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YouTube Channel

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The Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research  has been committed over decades to develop and sustain an eResearch infrastructure for coherent discovery, view, dissemination, and archival of scientific data and related information in polar and marine regions.  In order to address the increasing heterogeneity of research platforms and respective devices and sensors along with varying project-driven requirements, a generic and modular framework has been built intended to support the flow of sensor observations to archives (O2A) (Koppe et al, 2015).  O2A supports the scientific workflows by providing data streaming and transfer solutions to a collaborative workspace ecosystem along with modern analytical tools and infrastructure.  Adopting FAIR data principles, the World Data Center PANGAEA ensures data preservation and the various portal solutions provide integrative one-stop-shop frameworks for discovering and re-using the existing metadata, data and data products.

If you are using the O2A Framework in your research please cite:

Koppe, R. , Gerchow, P. , Macario, A. , Haas, A. , Schäfer-Neth, C. and Pfeiffenberger, H. (2015): O2A: A Generic Framework for Enabling the Flow of Sensor Observations to Archives and Publications , OCEANS 2015 Genova . doi: 10.1109/OCEANS-Genova.2015.7271657

O2A Components

Video Recommendation


REGISTRY (formerly known as SENSOR)








§ Projects

§ Spatial Data Infrastructure

§ Collaboration

§ Web Services

§ Seminars and User Workshops

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