
Necessary (++) and useful (+) programs

Basic Login

Using commandline requires curl to submit http requests to the API.

  • -c: writes the cookies (including the required auth-token) to a local file, in this case cfile
  • -s: silent output
  • the API endpoint that is called
  • -X: the type of request, in this case POST (see http requests)
  • -o: specifies the output (if not prompted to standard output aka the console), in this case the output is piped to /dev/null
  • -d: introduces a data field that is submitted along the POST request

The following request carries two data fields, each contains a key value pair, together they deliver the authentification credentials.

curl -c cfile \
	 -s \
	 -X POST ''\
	 -o /dev/null \
	 -d 'username=<yourUserName>' \
	 -d 'authPassword=yourSecretPassword'

The cfile looks like this:

# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
# This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.	FALSE	/sensorManagement-web	FALSE	0	JSESSIONID	RaCR4vWoHo7xKn92ohy2izuxjldw68olmHDjhA0.frame-test1	TRUE	/	FALSE	1670407206	x-auth-token	af9d8dce8jalf78271057345p5444022

and can be removed after successful operation by

rm -v cfile

HTTP requests


This gets basic information about an item.

curl -X GET ''

or nicely parsed (because piped into jq):

curl -X GET '' | jq .


You need proper privileges to modify items.

This puts a new item to

  • -b: a submitted cookie (remember the login cfile?)
  • -X: which type of http request is performed, in this case PUT
  • -H: header for the request, in this case
    • the content is json format
    • json format shall be accepted
  • -d: introduces a data field that is submitted along the PUT request, this is literally the submitted json
curl -b cfile \
	 -X PUT '' \
	 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	 -H 'Accept: application/json' \
	 -d '{"description": "string", "shortName": "testnastring" , "longName": "string" , "serialNumber": "string" , "manufacturer": "string" , "parentID": 0 , "applicationTypeID": 0 , "model": "string" , "inventoryNumber": "string" , "itemStatusID": 2 , "itemTypeID": 110 , "id": 0 }'
  • "description": string --> for the overview tab
  • "shortName": string --> for the overview tab
  • "longName": string --> for the overview tab
  • "serialNumber": string --> for the overview tab
  • "manufacturer": string --> for the overview tab
  • "parentID": integer --> left blank if item should be parentless, otherwise enter numeric id of parental item (think about access rights for the parent, too)
  • "applicationTypeID": ignore
  • "model": string --> for the overview tab
  • "inventoryNumber": string --> for the overview tab
  • "itemStatusID": integer --> either know the necessary id or ask, in this case 2 refers to construction
  • "itemTypeID": integer --> either know the necessary id or ask, in this case 110 is a sediment_grab
  • "id": integer --> set 0, since the item is supposed to be completly new


You need proper privileges to modify items.

This deletes a certain user with a specific role from a certain item.

  • -b: locally stored cookie file
  • -X: which type of http request is performed, in this case DELETE
  • -H: header
curl -b cfile \
	 -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  • 10877: the item ID
  • 80: the user ID
  • 29: the contact role ID


Basically a POST was already done by token creation. For most purposes POST appears to be of minor importance.


Necessary (++) and useful (+) packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

json, re, itertools, and datetime are built-in moduls and do not need to be installed separately.

Basic Login

The carried body contains the authentification credentials as a dict element. The auth cookie is then extracted (theToken) from the response of the POST request (see http requests).

import requests
import json

auth =''
	                 , data = {'username': <yourUserName>, 'authPassword': <yourSecretPassword>}
theToken = auth.cookies['x-auth-token']

HTTP requests


This gets basic information about an item. The result is a dictionary object.

a = requests.get('')
theItem = json.loads(a.content)


You need proper privileges to modify items.

This puts a new item to

             , data = json.dumps({
                 "description": "string"
                 , "shortName": "anotherteststring"
                 , "longName": "string"
                 , "serialNumber": "string"
                 , "manufacturer": "string"
                 , "parentID": 0
                 , "applicationTypeID": 0
                 , "model": "string"
                 , "inventoryNumber": "string"
                 , "itemStatusID": 2
                 , "itemTypeID": 110
                 , "id": 0
             , headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
             , cookies = {'x-auth-token': theToken}

  • "description": string --> for the overview tab
  • "shortName": string --> for the overview tab
  • "longName": string --> for the overview tab
  • "serialNumber": string --> for the overview tab
  • "manufacturer": string --> for the overview tab
  • "parentID": integer --> left blank if item should be parentless, otherwise enter numeric id of parental item (think about access rights for the parent, too)
  • "applicationTypeID": ignore
  • "model": string --> for the overview tab
  • "inventoryNumber": string --> for the overview tab
  • "itemStatusID": integer --> either know the necessary id or ask, in this case 2 refers to construction
  • "itemTypeID": integer --> either know the necessary id or ask, in this case 110 is a sediment_grab
  • "id": integer --> set 0, since the item is supposed to be completly new


You need proper privileges to modify items.

This deletes a certain user with a specific role from a certain item.

                , cookies = {'x-auth-token': theToken}
                , headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}

  • 10877: the item ID
  • 80: the user ID
  • 29: the contact role ID


Basically a POST was already done by token creation. For most purposes POST appears to be of minor importance.


Necessary (++) and useful (+) packages

install.packages(c('httr', 'lubridate', 'jsonlite', 'stringr'), dep = TRUE)

Basic Login

The carried body contains the authentification credentials as a list element. The auth cookie is then extracted (theToken) from the response of the POST request (see http requests).


x <- POST(url = ''
        , body = list("username" = '<yourUserName>', "authPassword" = 'yourSecretPassword')
        , encode = "form"
theToken <- x$cookies$value[2]

HTTP requests


This gets basic information about an item. The result is a list object.

GET(url = '')


You need proper privileges to modify items.

This puts a new item to

  • url: the API endpoint to call
  • add_headers: contains the wrapped auth cookie
  • body: a list (that is then translated to json) that holds the info about the item to be created
  • encode: indicates how the submitted values are encoded, in this case we preferred json
PUT(url = ''
  , add_headers("x-auth-token" = theToken)
  , body = list(description= "string"
              , shortName = "testnashalalastring"
              , longName = "string"
              , serialNumber = "string"
              , manufacturer = "string"
              , parentID = 0
              , applicationTypeID = 0
              , model = "string"
              , inventoryNumber = "string"
              , itemStatusID = 2
              , itemTypeID = 110
              , id= 0
  , encode = 'json'
  • "description": string --> for the overview tab
  • "shortName": string --> for the overview tab
  • "longName": string --> for the overview tab
  • "serialNumber": string --> for the overview tab
  • "manufacturer": string --> for the overview tab
  • "parentID": integer --> left blank if item should be parentless, otherwise enter numeric id of parental item (think about access rights for the parent, too)
  • "applicationTypeID": ignore
  • "model": string --> for the overview tab
  • "inventoryNumber": string --> for the overview tab
  • "itemStatusID": integer --> either know the necessary id or ask, in this case 2 refers to construction
  • "itemTypeID": integer --> either know the necessary id or ask, in this case 110 is a sediment_grab
  • "id": integer --> set 0, since the item is supposed to be completly new


You need proper privileges to modify items.

This deletes a certain user with a specific role from a certain item.

DELETE(url = ''
  , add_headers("x-auth-token" = theToken)

  • 10877: the item ID
  • 80: the user ID
  • 29: the contact role ID


Basically a POST was already done by token creation. For most purposes POST appears to be of minor importance.

  • No labels