
In the context of O2A several publicly known data formats (GeoCSV, GeoTIFF, netCDF) are used but with additional requirements. To avoid confusion the resulting specifications should be referred to with an "O2A" prefix (e.g. "O2A GeoCSV") or by their file extensions (e.g. "") as shown in this table.

source format namesource format extensionsinternal format extensioninternal format names
GeoCSV.csv, .tsv, .tab.sdi.tabO2A GeoCSV, internal GeoCSV
GeoTIFF.tif, .tiff.sdi.tifO2A GeoTIFF, internal GeoTIFF netCDF, internal netCDF

These O2A specifications might look similar but are not to be confused with the NRT data format!

O2A Spatial Data Specifications:

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