In context of MareHUB and the Viewer on data from different sources gets processed and provided as OGC Web Services. Mapping incoming data to unified names (target vocabulary) is part of this process. This page offers technical file specifications used during this process. It is not about the process (however, if in special cases there is process information, it is marked as such). For general information on processes, see the page on Standard Operating Procedures.
Most important related reading might be this page about Data Harmonization and the Mapping Principle.
Tables are color-coded. Input for the Mapping Algorithm has a light yellow, output a light blue background.
There are two "types" of files. Those adding mapping rules and those introducing target vocabulary data can be mapped to. Mapping rules do not work without the according target vocabulary. Both are tab-separated files, only differing in column names.
Base specs as follows
- tab-separated text file
- UTF-8-encoding
- file extension:
- order of columns matter
- columns without values (e.g.
) can be dropped - custom columns can be appended but will get ignored (might be useful for future verification, for example)
column order | column header | value is mandatory | description | example values (all valid) |
1 | unit_name | yes | name of unit | degree Celsius Kelvin meter per second |
2 | unit_symbol | yes | symbol of unit | °C K m/s |
3+ | <whatever_you_like> | no | can be used for comments or notes/reminders – will get ignored technically |
unit_name unit_symbol
meter m
square meter m²
degree °
degree Celsius °C
meter per second m/s
centimeter per second cm/s
Column header for parameter vocabulary is parameter_group
because currently it is used as rough grouping instead of precise mapping. However, both would be possible.
column order | column header | value is mandatory | description | example values (all valid) |
1 | parameter_group | yes | name of parameter or parameter group | Temperature Total Organic Carbon |
2 | parameter_sdn | no | SDN of parameter |
3 | parameter_nerc_uri | no | NERC URI of parameter |
2+ | <whatever_you_like> | no | can be used for comments or notes/reminders – will get ignored technically |
Sample ID
Column header for method vocabulary is method_group
because currently it is used as rough grouping instead of precise mapping. However, both would be possible.
column order | column header | value is mandatory | description | example values (all valid) |
1 | method_group | yes | name of method or method group | direct count electric |
2+ | <whatever_you_like> | no | can be used for comments or notes/reminders – will get ignored technically |
Process information: Status Quo is NERC spheres. Please consult AG Ocean Obs (Norbert Anselm) and AG Viewer (Peter Konopatzky) before introducing other sphere vocabulary.
column order | column header | value is mandatory | description | example values (all valid) |
1 | sphere_name | yes | name of sphere | atmosphere water body |
2 | sphere_sdn | no | SDN of sphere |
3 | sphere_nerc_uri | no | NERC URI of sphere |
4+ | <whatever_you_like> | no | can be used for comments or notes/reminders – will get ignored technically |
sphere_name | sphere_sdn | sphere_nerc_uri |
atmosphere | SDN:S21::S21S001 | |
water body | SDN:S21::S21S027 | |
surface ice | SDN:S21::S21S009 | |
rock | SDN:S21::S21S038 | |
biota | SDN:S21::S21S037 | |
not applicable | SDN:S21::S21S017 | |
Earth | SDN:S21::S21S006 | |
bed | SDN:S21::S21S003 | |
cave atmosphere | SDN:S21::S21S033 | |
experiment water sample | SDN:S21::S21S011 | |
geological sample | SDN:S21::S21S039 | |
groundwater | SDN:S21::S21S005 | |
peat | SDN:S21::S21S019 | |
rainwater | SDN:S21::S21S020 | |
sediment | SDN:S21::S21S022 | |
sediment pore water | SDN:S21::S21S023 | |
snow | SDN:S21::S21S024 | |
stalactite | SDN:S21::S21S034 | |
stalagmite | SDN:S21::S21S025 | |
suspended particulate material | SDN:S21::S21S026 | |
water body plus atmosphere | SDN:S21::S21S028 | |
wet sediment | SDN:S21::S21S031 | |
sphere_name sphere_sdn sphere_nerc_uri
atmosphere SDN:S21::S21S001
water body SDN:S21::S21S027
surface ice SDN:S21::S21S009
rock SDN:S21::S21S038
biota SDN:S21::S21S037
not applicable SDN:S21::S21S017
Earth SDN:S21::S21S006
bed SDN:S21::S21S003
cave atmosphere SDN:S21::S21S033
experiment water sample SDN:S21::S21S011
geological sample SDN:S21::S21S039
groundwater SDN:S21::S21S005
peat SDN:S21::S21S019
rainwater SDN:S21::S21S020
sediment SDN:S21::S21S022
sediment pore water SDN:S21::S21S023
snow SDN:S21::S21S024
stalactite SDN:S21::S21S034
stalagmite SDN:S21::S21S025
suspended particulate material SDN:S21::S21S026
water body plus atmosphere SDN:S21::S21S028
wet sediment SDN:S21::S21S031
Output columns (light blue) need to hold target vocabulary established via target vocabulary files.
column order | column header | value is mandatory | description | example values (all valid) |
1 | unit_string | yes | mapping input, any string that should get mapped | °C ◦C degC |
2 | unit_name | yes | mapping output: unit name (see Unit Vocabulary) | degree Celsius |
3+ | <whatever_you_like> | no | can be used for comments or notes/reminders – will get ignored technically |
unit_string unit_name comment
°C degree Celsius
◦C degree Celsius weird alternative degree character, found in GLODAP
?C degree Celsius broken encoding, found in COSYNA SOS
degC degree Celsius
cm/s centimeter per second
column order | column header | value is mandatory | description | example values (all valid) |
1 | parameter_string | yes | mapping input, any string that should get mapped | Temperature Temperature, air WaterTemp_FSI |
2 | parameter_group | yes | mapping output: any known method name/group (see Parameter Vocabulary) | Temperature |
3 | sphere_name | no | mapping output: any known sphere name (see Sphere Vocabulary) | atmosphere water body |
4+ | <whatever_you_like> | no | can be used for comments or notes/reminders – will get ignored technically |
parameter_string parameter_group sphere_name
AirTemperature Temperature atmosphere
SeaSurfaceTemperature Temperature
TEMP_13.0 Temperature
Temperature Temperature
column order | column header | value is mandatory | description | example values |
1 | parameter_group | yes | mapping input: any known parameter name (see Mapping Names) | valid: Temperature invalid: WaterTemp_FSI |
2 | method_string | yes | mapping input: any string that should get mapped | valid: Mercury thermometer valid: Temperature logger, UTBI-001 TidbiT V2 |
3 | method_group | yes | mapping output: any known method name/group (see Method Vocabulary) | valid: direct valid: unspecified valid: electrical |
4 | sphere_name | no | mapping output: any known sphere name (see Sphere Vocabulary) | valid: atmosphere valid: water body valid: sediment |
5+ | <whatever_you_like> | no | can be used for comments or notes/reminders – will get ignored technically |
parameter_group method_string method_group sphere_name
Chlorophyll High Performance Liquid Chromatography direct
Chlorophyll Fluorometry indirect
Chlorophyll Acetone extraction (Turner Designs) indirect
Imagine you have the following data you want to have integrated into our SDI. It already comes in handy O2A GeoCSV format, including metadata files. Two data files (and two metadata files) with comparable datausing different vocabulary, and almost none of them using the vocabulary you want.
# ############################################################################
# kono.sdi.meta.json
# ############################################################################
"version": "2.0",
"events": [
"name": "Kono's Trip"
"parameters": [
"name": "Caffeine Level",
"unit": "clicks/minute"
"name": "Blutalkoholkonzentration",
"unit": "Promille",
"method": "ACE Breathalyser AF - 33"
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
date_time_start event_name Caffeine Level [clicks/minute] Blutalkoholkonzentration [Promille] geometry
1982-12-29T11:02:00 Kono's Trip 200 0.20 POINT(-4.3 49.6)
1982-12-29T11:45:00 Kono's Trip 121 1.10 POINT(-4.3 49.6)
1982-12-29T13:21:00 Kono's Trip 84 0.40 POINT(-4.3 49.6)
# ############################################################################
# andreas.sdi.meta.json
# ############################################################################
"version": "2.0",
"events": [
"name": "Andreas' Adventure"
"parameters": [
"name": "caffeine level",
"unit": "clicks/min"
"name": "alcohol concentration",
"unit": "‰",
"method": "YOMA Alcohol Tester"
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
date_time_start event_name caffeine level [clicks/min] alcohol concentration [‰] geometry
1982-12-30T11:02:00 Andreas' Adventure 156 0.40 POINT(-1.3 50.6)
1982-12-30T11:45:00 Andreas' Adventure 144 1.00 POINT(-1.3 50.6)
1982-12-30T13:21:00 Andreas' Adventure 112 0.50 POINT(-1.3 50.6)
The following Mapping Files would be good solution to properly add above data to our SDI and have it integrated into VEF-based viewers. The most important part is the parameter mapping. Without this, data cannot be integrated into our parameter measurement layers. Unit and method mapping are recommended for proper filtering but can be left out. In any case both source strings/names and mapping results will be shown/accessible in viewers.
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
unit_name unit_symbol
permille ‰
clicks per minute cpm
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
caffeine level
blood alcohol content
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
unit_string unit_name comment
clicks/minute clicks per minute
clicks/min◦C clicks per minute
Promille permille
‰ permille
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
parameter_string parameter_group sphere_name
Caffeine Level caffeine level
caffeine level caffeine level
Blutalkoholkonzentration blood alcohol content
alcohol concentration blood alcohol content
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
parameter_group method_string method_group
blood alcohol content ACE Breathalyser AF - 33 breathalyzer
blood alcohol content YOMA Alcohol Tester breathalyzer