All device operations of the DSHIP-ActionLog for all legs are directly available via (under the Actions-Tab of each device) and will also be available via PANGAEA after each leg ( ).

Submitting the corrections to PANGAEA

If you need to change or add a device operation for a past expedition leg please use the submit form at

You can login using your ORCID iD or create a new user account. You will need this account later on again when publishing your data via PANGAEA.

PANGAEA doesn't have a dedicated metadata submission form, so data submission form needs to be used, which requires to fill in fields like Title (e.g. Update or add DSHIP-Device Operations for Leg XXX of MOSAiC expedition) and Abstract (please paste any text, it will be discarded). 

Select the project "MOSAiC: Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate". At the last page of the submission form please leave a comment to the PANGAEA editors with your instructions regarding the addition / correction.


When updating an existing device operation please state the device operations ID and only those attributes you would like to change. See table below for all attributes.

You can also add new actions to an existing device operation (see last column).

Please provide the information in a TAB-separated list including a header line stating the attributes. Examples:


Updating an existing Device Operation (download an example file example_1.txt):

Device Operation ID   Start of Device Operation  Longitude at Start of Device Operation Latitude at Start of Device Operation

PS122/1-4_3     2019-08-10T19:00:00  54.566828  9.555059

Adding a new Device Operation to an expedition leg (download an example file example_2.txt):

Campaign   Device Operation ID   Device Shortname Start of Device Operation     Longitude at Start of Device Operation Latitude at Start of Device Operation  End of Device Operation    Longitude at End of Device Operation     Latitude at End of Device Operation   ActionType

PS122/1    NEW  csuportablesampler   2019-11-10T19:00:00  132.566828     78.555059  2019-11-10T19:30:00  132.576828 78.565059  5161 deployment


Campaign   Device Operation ID   Device Shortname Start of Device Operation     Longitude at Start of Device Operation Latitude at Start of Device Operation  ActionType

PS122/2    NEW  snow_sampler_glove   2019-12-01T10:00:00  133.566828     80.555059  Deployment 6140

When adding an action to an existing Device Operation please leave a comment (download an example file example_3.txt):

e.g. ‘Please add following action to device operations with ID PS122/1-5_10’

Device Operation ID   Start of Action Longitude at Start of Action     Latitude at Start of Action ActionType Description

PS122/1-5_10    2019-11-10T20:00:00  133.566828 80.555059  Calibration     First calibration failed

Processing your request

The PANGAEA-Team will keep you informed about the progress of the submitted request via the ticket system. You will be notified via the e-mail address associated with your PANGAEA account. PANGAEA editors take further actions to update the event list in PANGAEA as well as update the information for devices in

Please be informed that it is not possible to update or add device operations to the original DSHIP ActionLog (available via

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