
To provide an OGC Web Service (OWS) using the O2A Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), the underlying data must be available either as files or in a database within the O2A SDI. If an exchange folder, e.g. on the AWI-Isilon, serves as interface to the SDI, it must meet the following specifications so that the contained data can be regularly and automatically synchronized with the SDI. This synchronization process is called harvesting.

These specifications are valid for all O2A Spatial Data Formats.

For information on how to add/update/delete data from the OWS see the according Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

For information on AWI-internal data storage see


To harvest data, an absolute path ending in /data/ is required. This directory should be used exclusively for harvesting by the SDI. Subfolders can be used arbitrarily for structuring the files. However, all files contained must have unique file names across all subfolders (see examples).

Also, files should meet the O2A Spatial Data Formats Specifications which also affect file naming.


Valid Example
`-- some/
    `-- other/
        |-- folder/
        `-- data/
            |-- 2019/
            |   |-- example_EPSG4326_20190101.sdi.tif
            |   |-- example_EPSG4326_20190102.sdi.tif
            |   `-- ...
            `-- 2020/
                |-- example_EPSG4326_20200101.sdi.tif
                |-- example_EPSG4326_20200102.sdi.tif
				`-- ...

Invalid Example
`-- some/
    `-- other/
        |-- folder/
        `-- data/
            |-- polarstern/
            |   |-- example_EPSG4326_20200101.sdi.tif
            |   |-- example_EPSG4326_20200102.sdi.tif
            |   `-- ...
            `-- sonne/
                |-- example_EPSG4326_20200101.sdi.tif
                |-- example_EPSG4326_20200102.sdi.tif
				`-- ...
  • No labels