Describing your sensor is the foundation of future use and re-use of sensor information e.g. publishing data in AWI-operated portals, monitoring of data streams, archiving data, etc. The web application is available to manage the sensor-specific information (e.g manufacturer information, serial number, inventory number, photos, calibration reports, physical characterization of parameters, etc).
Please start with, log in or create a new account. Choose a platform type and add your sensor and complement the basic information.
Describing your sensor output data as a generic "raw data project" is a necessary part for a seamless data transfer undergoing a "file structure" validation process, adding metadata and assigning a digital object identifier (DOI) for the dataset achived in the PANGAEA-System.
The description consists of data format manuals to re-use the data and a generic file- and directory-naming convention. Please use the "Ingest"-Tab of your sensor in as a first contact. The data format document(s) has to be stored in ePIC or in as by the "Resources"-Tab.
The file- and directory-naming convention will to be declared as an regular expression once only. Each new dataset is checked against this expression automatically. The metadata creation section combines the date and time information out of the file and/or directory names with the track information if available. Both, the dataset and metadata will be submitted to the PANGAEA-System.
By this, it is a good idea for further steps to store your sensor data in a sensor specific directory structure.
sensor-1/Cruise-ID/Station-ID/"sensor-data-files" sensor-2/Cruise-ID/Station-ID/"sensor-data-files" ... sensor-n/Cruise-ID/Station-ID/"sensor-data-files" The name oder ID (DeviceURN) of "sensor-i" should have a reference in