
Sea Ice Concentration data from OSI-SAF is (OSI-401-b) is currently not available due to missing DMSP SSMIS Level-1 input data:

Daily sea ice concentration data from OSI-401-b is critical input to the CryoSat-2 sea ice product and data from the following dates is (currently) missing:

  • CryoSat-2 l2p

The production of operational CryoSat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness data continues, but with less input data from CryoSat-2.

Operational processing and dissemination of L4 merged CryoSat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness product has been resumed for the winter season of 2022/23 since 15 October 2022.

The new algorithm version is v205 and a full mission reprocessing is available.


(ftp client required)

DocumentationTo be provided
CitationTo be provided

Operational processing and dissemination of L3 SMOS sea ice thickness product has been resumed for the winter season of 2022/23 since 15 October 2022.

The CryoSat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness file for the observation period from April 9th to April 15th, 2022 has been generated, because there is no SMOS sea ice thickness data after April 15. The generation of CS2SMOS data will resume in late October 2022.

Access to recent CryoSat-2 science data via ftp has resumed (ESA announcement). Most recent CryoSat-2/SMOS reprocessed data is still impacted by data gap and will be reprocessed shortly.

Problems with AWI HPC systems have been solved and missing CryoSat-2/SMOS L4 data have been reprocessed.

The processing of Level 4 merged CryoSat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness data is currently interrupted due to a problem with the AWI HPC system. The processing of Level 3 SMOS sea ice thickness data remains unaffected. 

The CryoSat-2 near real-time data service by ESA has resumed. The production of near real-time merged CryoSat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness data continues with a short period of data degradation due to the resulting gap of CryoSat-2 data between Dec 16 and Dec 20, 2021.

The accuracy of the near real-time merged CryoSat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness data is currently degraded due to an outage in the ESA CryoSat-2 NRT service. The production of CryoSat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness data NRT data may be suspended in the next days depending on when CryoSat-2 NRT data will be available again. The production of SMOS sea ice thickness data remains unaffected.  

The production of CryoSat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness data is temporarily halted, while the server and software system is evaluated for potential weaknesses following the log4j exploit.

The algorithm of the gridded CryoSat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness data (Level-4) has been updated. The previous version v203 is now replaced by v204.

A full documation of CryoSat-2/SMOS level 4 product version v204 can be found in the CryoSat-SMOS Merged Sea Ice Thickness section.

The algorithm of the gridded SMOS sea ice thickness data (Level-3) has been updated. The previous version v3.2 is now replaced by v3.3. SMOS L3 is distributed directly and input to the CryoSat-2/SMOS L4 sea ice thickness data set.

A full documation of SMOS level 3 product version v3.3 can be found in the SMOS Sea Ice Thickness section.

  • SMOS sea-ice thickness
  • OSI SAF ice concentration 
  • OSI SAF sea and ice surface temperature
  • OSI SAF sea ice drift

CryoSat-SMOS sea ice thickness and volume time series from 2010-2018
  • Merged weekly CryoSat-SMOS sea ice thickness and volume + uncertainties 

Launch of ESA CS2SMOS-PDS Project Website

This is a documentation webpage for the ESA CS2SMOS-PDS Project.