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This page is originally from a git repository where its content can be managed and presented in a more dynamical way. This is a snapshot as of today ( ). There will be no frequent updates or alike. New content comes with a new documentation platform – some day!

Use Case 1: user and items thing

Use case 1.1: Which item is associated with which user?


  • user email or
  • user firstname and lastname

Per API: Search for all items of contact x, i) by (system) email address, ii) by contact names.

  1. get /sensors/device/getItemsOfContact/{contactEmail} OR
  2. get /sensors/contacts/getContactsByName/{firstName}/{lastName} --> email address will be output, then go on with step 1

Use case 1.2: Which items have the user x with a certain role?


  • input from 1.1
  • user role
  1. von use case 1.1
    1. get /sensors/device/getItemsOfContact/{contactEmail} OR
    2. get /sensors/contacts/getContactsByName/{firstName}/{lastName} --> email address as output then go to step 1
  2. get /sensors/contacts/getAllContactRoles --> pick out which ID is related to which role type (e.g. Data scientist="id": 29]
  3. filter (role) ID-based
    • PI==True --> put to list
    • PI==False --> go on
    • ...
use case 1 Python
basic documentation of REST-API can be found here:
## necessary libraries

import json
import requests
import datetime

#sensorURL<- ""
sensorURL <- ""

## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##
USE CASE 1: We are looking for a list of items that have a certain user in their contact list.
1.1.a We know the contact email address (as in of the user.
## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##

email = ''

## create link for API call
link = sensorURL + "device/getItemsOfContact/" + email

## calling api
answer = requests.get(link)
## the content itself, read as a json object
fullList = json.loads(answer.content)

## status of request (see

## since the result can be 0 items, 1 item, and >1 items , we filter the item ids according the number of items and write to a list
if len(fullList) == 0:
    itemList = []
elif len(fullList) == 1:
    itemList = [fullList[0]['id']]
    itemList = [i['id'] for i in fullList]

## there we go:

## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##
USE CASE 1: We are looking for a list of items that have a certain user in their contact list.
1.1.b We know the last name (and if necessary the first name) of the user. Aim: get a single email address.
## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##

## creation of the API call 
link = sensorURL + 'contacts/getAllSystemContacts'

## CASE: unique last name or no contact found

## variables
lastName = 'Gerchow'

## calling api
answer = requests.get(link)
x = json.loads(answer.content)

## loop over entire list
for a in x:
    if a['lastName'] == lastName:

## CASE: non-unique last name or no contact

## variables
lastName = 'Nicolaus'
firstName = 'Rita'

## calling api
answer = requests.get(link)
x = json.loads(answer.content)

## loop over entire list
for a in x:
    if a['lastName'] == lastName and a['firstName'] == firstName:

## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##
USE CASE 1: We are looking for a list of items that have a certain user in their contact list.
1.2. We have info from 1.1 but need that user only with a certain contact role (e.g. 'Principal Investigator').
## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##

## which user should be searched?
## remember 'email' from 1.1?
#email = ''

## what role should be filtered?
inputRole = 'Principal Investigator'
inputRole = 'Editor'

## create empty lists
lstID, lstURN = [], []

## recycling of itemList from 1.1
for item in itemList:
    link = sensorURL + "contacts/getDeviceContacts/" + str(item)
    answer = requests.get(link)
    x = json.loads(answer.content)
    ## create dictionaries to map uuids to vocables
    dictRoles = {}
    dictAccounts = {}
    for i in x:
        if isinstance(i['contact'], dict):
            dictAccounts[i['contact']['@uuid']] = i['contact']['email']
        if isinstance(i['vocable'], dict):
            dictRoles[i['vocable']['@uuid']] = i['vocable']['generalName']
    ## extracting from item
    user, role = [], []
    for i in x:
        if isinstance(i['vocable'], dict):
        elif isinstance(i['vocable'], str):
        if isinstance(i['contact'], dict):
        elif isinstance(i['contact'], str):
    ## merging info from item and mapping dict
    for i in range(len(user)): ## <-- could improve!!!
        if dictRoles[role[i]] == inputRole and dictAccounts[user[i]] == email:

## neat output as some sort of report ...

## ... or just as a single list if item IDs

## eof

use case 1 R
## ''' 
## basic documentation of REST-API can be found here:
## '''
settingUpThings <- function(x){
    mirror <- ''
    newPackages <- x[!(x %in% installed.packages()[,'Package'])]
        install.packages(newPackages, dep = TRUE, repos = mirror)
    lapply(x, library, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE)

libsToBeLoaded <- c('jsonlite', 'plyr', 'lubridate', 'httr')

#sensorURL<- ""
sensorURL <- ""

## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##
## '''
## USE CASE 1: We are looking for a list of items that have a certain user in their contact list.
## 1.1.a We know the contact email address (as in of the user.
## '''
## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##

email <- ''

## create link for API call
link <- paste0(sensorURL, "device/getItemsOfContact/", email)

## calling api
answer <- GET(link)
## the content itself, read as a json object
fullList <- content(answer, as = 'parsed')

## status of request (see

## since the result can be 0 items, 1 item, and >1 items , we filter the item ids according the number of items and write to a list
if (length(fullList) == 0){
    itemList  <- list()
} else if (length(fullList) == 1){
    itemList <- list(fullList[[1]]$id)
} else {
    itemList <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(fullList)){
        itemList[[i]] <- fullList[[i]]$id

## there we go:

## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##
## '''
## USE CASE 1: We are looking for a list of items that have a certain user in their contact list.
## 1.1.b We know the last name (and if necessary the first name) of the user. Aim: get a single email address.
## '''
## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##

## creation of the API call 
link <- paste0(sensorURL,'contacts/getAllSystemContacts')

## CASE: unique last name or no contact found

## variables
lastName <- 'Gerchow'

## calling api
answer <- GET(link)
x <- content(answer, as = 'parsed')

for (i in seq_along(x)){
    if ( is.null(x[[i]]$lastName) == FALSE && x[[i]]$lastName == lastName ) {

## CASE: non-unique last name or no contact

## variables
lastName <- 'Nicolaus'
firstName <- 'Rita'

## calling api
answer <- GET(link)
x <- content(answer, as = 'parsed')

## loop over entire list
for (i in seq_along(x)){
    if ( is.null(x[[i]]$lastName) == FALSE && x[[i]]$lastName == lastName && x[[i]]$firstName == firstName ) {

## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##
## '''
## USE CASE 1: We are looking for a list of items that have a certain user in their contact list.
## 1.2. We have info from 1.1 but need that user only with a certain contact role (e.g. 'Principal Investigator').
## '''
## + ================================ | xxx | ================================ + ##

## which user should be searched?
## remember 'email' from 1.1?
#email = ''

## what role should be filtered?
inputRole <- 'Principal Investigator'
inputRole <- 'Editor'

lstID <- NULL
lstURN <- NULL

for (item in seq_along(itemList)){
    link <- paste0(sensorURL, "contacts/getDeviceContacts/", itemList[[item]])
    answer <- GET(link)
    x <- content(answer, as = 'parsed')
    ## create dictionaries to map uuids to vocables
    dictRoles <- NULL
    dictAccounts <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(x)){
        ##    print(x[[i]])
        if (is.list(x[[i]]$contact) == TRUE){
            dictAccounts[x[[i]]$contact$'@uuid'] <- x[[i]]$contact$email
        if (is.list(x[[i]]$vocable) == TRUE){
            dictRoles[x[[i]]$vocable$'@uuid'] <- x[[i]]$vocable$generalName
    ## extracting from item
    user <- NULL
    role <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(x)){
        if (is.list(x[[i]]$vocable) == TRUE){
            role <- append(role, x[[i]]$vocable$'@uuid')
        } else {
            role <- append(role, x[[i]]$vocable)
        if (is.list(x[[i]]$contact) == TRUE){
            user <- append(user, x[[i]]$contact$'@uuid')
        } else {
            user <- append(user, x[[i]]$contact)
    ## merging info from item and mapping dict
    for (i in seq_along(x)){
        if ( dictRoles[role[i]] == inputRole && dictAccounts[user[i]] == email){
            lstID <- append(lstID, item)
            lstURN <- append(lstURN, x[[1]]$item$urn)

## neat output as some sort of report ...
    toJSON(list(user = email,
            timeOfQuery = now(tz = "GMT"),
            role = inputRole,
            urn = lstURN,
            id = lstID

## ... or just as a single list if item IDs

## eof

  • No labels