REGISTRY.awi.de aims to create an authoritative repository for managing platform, device and sensor-related information. It was launched in August 2016 and it will be continuously improved in the form of bi-annual release packages. It supports:
Autocompletion of station metadata (required under under "Actions") for all large and medium-sized german research vessels (Polarstern, Sonne, Meteor, Alkor, Heincke, Merian and Poseidon) using PANGAEA expedition catalogue
Metadata versioning including minting of PIDs for individual versions along with citation. Example: https://hdl.handle.net/10013/sensor.7bdbc478-a4c9-4eb9-917d-9a89ee098774#subItemID=625&subItemEventID=3634
Provenance metadata for repositories as good-scientific pratice. Example: https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.857507 links dataset in PANGAEA to sensor description, under event information https://hdl.handle.net/10013/sensor.664525cf-45b9-4969-bb88-91a1c5e97a5b
Management and discovery of standard sensor-specific information (e.g. manufacturer information, inventory number, history of actions, precision, photos, etc),
Management and discovery of data-specific information (calibration reports, physical characterization of individual sensors, etc),
Machine-friendly access to metadata. Example: OGC compliant output standards,
Sensor properties are used in machine-friendly monitoring of data streams in near real-time (see DASHBOARD)
Re-use in AWI-operated portals and various national and international service infrastructures. Example: https://data.awi.de/?site=platforms
Use on board of RV Polarstern including synchronization of DSHIP action log with sensor actions