The Sylt Roads time series is closely related to the Helgoland Roads time series and comprises an almost identical parameter set. Sylt Roads was initiated in 1974 and is still ongoing. Its main station located in the Sylt-Rømø bight close to List/Sylt (55.030000N; 8.460000E) is generally sampled twice a week. Two other stations (Entrance Koenigshafen 55.038300N; 8.438300E and Ferry Terminal 55.015530N; 55.015530E) are sporadically sampled depending on tide and weather conditions.

The measured parameters comprise phytoplankton, zooplankton, water temperature, salinity, pH, Chlorophyll a and nutrient (N, P, Si) analyses. The plankton time-series is augmented by the biological parameters gelatinous zooplankton, meroplankton, primary productivity until 2020, fish monitoring, macroalgae, macro- and microzoobenthos providing a unique opportunity to investigate long-term changes at an ecosystem scale.

Publication Hydrochemistry & Phytoplankton:

Johannes J. Rick, Mirco Scharfe, Tatyana Romanova, Justus E. E. van Beusekom, Ragnhild Asmus, Harald Asmus, Finn Mielck, Anja Kamp, Rainer Sieger, and Karen H. Wiltshire. An evaluation of long-term physical and hydrochemical measurements at the Sylt Roads Marine Observatory (1973–2019), Wadden Sea, North Sea,

Publications Zooplankton (

Martens P, van Beusekom JEE.. Zooplankton response to a warmer northern Wadden Sea. Helgol Mar Res 62: 67-75 March 2008 Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 62(1):67-75


Contact person:

Dr. habil Johannes Rick

Sylt Benthos (2001 to 2011)

Macrofauna was sampled annually for a period of 10 years. The high resolution (with approximately 100 samples per year) makes this a unique dataset for the study of macrofaunal community dynamics at different spatial and temporal scales

Publication Benthos:

Armonies, Werner; Buschbaum, Christian; Mielck, Finn; Rick, Johannes Josef. ·  Mollusc shell detritus affects benthic subtidal community dynamics in the Northern Wadden Sea. DOI:10.1007/s12526-022-01301-4

Sampling locations for the North Sea Benthos data sets From Sylt (in blue) and Bremerhaven (in yellow)

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