1. Sea water

On board Polarstern there are six networks for sea water:

  1. Seawater intake at box keel or alternatively a few meters aside of that via conic intake at depth of 11 meter and 10.5 meter respectively. Prior to the pump, the pipe split into two lines (sea also item 2). First line goes to „Klauspumpe“, rotating pump (25 qm/h). The pipes consists of stainless steel. The seawater-taps are available in all laboratories on E-Deck. This water is also used e.g. for cooling of laboratory containers. There are some permanent consumer of this water like cooling system of laboratory container, so 12 qm/h remain for other scientific use.
  2. Seawater intake is the same like item 1. After mentioned split, the second line goes to room G-707 and seawater analyze systems Ferrybox and the pCO2 analyzers from General Oceanics (GO) and SubCtech (SCT). A displacement pump of Sinus type guarantees a minimum damage of bio-cells. Active pressure control devices are installed on each line to scientific analyzer.
  3. Seawater intake is inside tunnel of front cross propeller at depth of ca. 7 meters (port side). Two pumps can be used alternatively: Membrane pump (1-4 qm/h) or rotating pump (4 qm/h). Typically the pumps are providing water through teflon pipes, but use of stainless steel pipes is also possible. The seawater-taps are available in all laboratories on E-Deck.
  4. Seawater intake is also inside tunnel of front cross propeller at depth of ca. 7 meters (starbord side). Only one system is supplied by seawater, namely the Automated Filtration for Marine Microbes (AutoFIM) .
  5. Seawater intake at box keel on port side, outlet also at box keel on starboard side. The devices supplied by this system are two Seabird SBE21 thermosalinograph and a Seabird SBE38 temperature sensor. Both TSG are installed in one seawater box to be provided by identical water.
  6. Seawater intake at sea chest at depth of ca. 7 meter. Taps are situated on P-Deck at base of mast. There are four taps with 3/4" outside thread. The pipes do not consist of stainless steel along the complete length.

The material for stainless steel pipes is of type:  Niro 1.4539 
The material for "teflon" pipes is of type: Niro 1.4571 with inner coating of type: Teflon PTFE, white. 

The need of seawater must be announced before the cruise in formula "Einsatzplanung". As several scientific groups on board are typically requesting seawater a plan must be established, which group takes water from which network to avoid any conflict/overlap. The operation on board by means of switch on and off the pumps is executed by the ships crew and must be requested by chief scientist. 
In dirty by means of not clear waters like in harbours or the Wadden Sea the seawater pumps despite of "Klauspumpe" are switched off to avoid soiling of pipes and analyzers.

A full cleaning procedure of pipes can be performed in shipyard only. It must be requested at schiffskoord@awi.de several weeks before shipyard. The rate/quality of cleanness must be outlined at request.
A post cleaning procedure of pipes can be performed during cruise. The time schedule of this cleaning procedure must be planned before the cruise and outlined in formula "Einsatzplanung". The cleaning procedure must be executed in compliance with the ships command and chief scientist.

2. Pure water

In chemistry laboratory a MilliPore Elix Essential 5 system is installed to provide type 2 water. For storage a 30 liter tank is installed.
The type 2 water is also used as input for MilliPore Milli-Q IQ7000 purification system to provide type1 pure water.

A second set of Elix5 and IQ7000 is installed in laboratory container romm (F-Deck).

3. Fresh water

Fresh water is generated on board by reverse osmosis system. pH=7. To make water (at least a little bit) harder it is run through marble granulate.
Fresh water is available in all laboratories and work spaces. In most laboratories and spaces heated fresh water is also available. Nearly all couplings for fresh water are of GEKA type.
Pipes for fresh water are typically made of copper.