Persons of trust
To make sure that expedition participants have the possibility to personally talk to persons of trust, at least two ombuds persons have to be appointed for each expedition. Ombuds persons have to be other than the chief scientist.
These two will be appointed before the expedition by the chief scientist, additional ombuds person can be elected on board at the start of the expedition if the scientists wish to do so.
The reason that two ombuds persons are designated in advance of the expedition is to ensure that they have the opportunity to prepare appropriately for this task.
A training workshop will be held regularly. Please contact for further information.
The person additionally elected on board is elected by the community, but does not necessarily have any kind of prior knowledge. However, this is not necessarily a disadvantage or an obstacle, since the experts mentioned above are always available to assist the ombudspersons on board.
Please inform the ship's coordination ( if additional ombuds persons were elected on board.
The appointed ombuds persons do not necessarily need to have a special training, as this is not always feasible for expedition participants, but briefings will be carried out beforehand and trainings will be offered whenever possible in the course of the expedition preparation.
Link to the page "persons in charge".