- Created by Angelika Dummermuth, last updated on Feb 27, 2023 3 minute read
Research Data Guideline and Research Data Directive
The Research Data Guideline of the AWI and the Research Data Directive of the AWI apply to users of the Marine Stations Helgoland and Sylt. Users are made aware of the existing regulations in the web portal and undertake to submit scientific data generated during a research stay at the marine stations. Users have to confirm that they have taken notice this regulations when applying for usage time in the web portal with the following wording:
I hereby confirm that I will publish the data that I will collect during the research stay at the Marine Biological Station Helgoland/Sylt in the PANGAEA data portal no later than 2 years after the end of the research stay. I will ensure that the rights of third parties do not conflict with the publication. After the data have been imported into PANGAEA, they may be blocked for a further 2 years but will then be available to the scientific public as citable data sets. Furthermore, please indicate the grant number assigned by the coordination for all publications based on these data.
Data Management Plan
A well-structured Data Management Plan (DMP) clarifies how and what data will be created, processed, and documented. It names means of data archiving and sharing of data. If you need help in creating a data management plan, GFBio offers templates and suppport.
Data and samples acquired during the research stay at the marine stations must be preserved on a long-term basis and made accessible to the scientific community for use in an appropriate period. An appropriate data management plan (data responsibility, data use, archiving, and release) must be given in the proposal. The quality of this plan is considered in the evaluation of the proposal.
Please record key information on the handling of data and samples. Please ensure your descriptions substantively address the following aspects in particular:
• Characteristics and scope of data and samples
• Documentation and data quality
• Storage and technical archiving
• Legal obligations and conditions
• Enabling subsequent reuse and long-term accessibility
• Responsibilities and resources
Please also describe how the institutions involved in the project will contribute to data and information management. Please consider the existing standards in your discipline, any current subject-specific recommendations and any existing infrastructure services (such as data repositories, archives or collections). Appropriate safeguarding of data and samples is ensured by their transfer to an established data/sample centre or a data/sample bank that can guarantee long-term data storage. Release for use by other users can be delayed in order to protect publication rights. The data and samples can be provided in a protected state so that only their existence is publicly displayed for the moratorium period.
Scientific Data and Sampling
Scientific Data and samples acquired during the research stay at the marine stations must be preserved on a long-term basis and made accessible to the scientific community for use- eventually after a moratorium - via "Open access". This includes acquired data, scientific photographs and documentations as well as later acquired data from samples.
User of the Marine Stations Helgoland and Sylt may use the AWI operated information systems. The metadata flow is based on the O2A framework:
All scientific devices used at the Marine Stations Helgoland and Sylt must be registered in the SENSORWeb (https://sensor.awi.de)
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