The absolute pressure transducer DPM7885 is permantly installed in both aircraft as part of the Basic Meteorology module. Additionally, the pressure transducer is installed in nose booms used for turbulence measurements.
The DPM7885 measures absolute pressure from 30-1300mbar in the temperature range of -40 to +70°C with a resolution of 5Hz.
Manufacturer | Weston Aerospace Ltd. |
Model | DPM78851BA |
Serial No. | n/a |
Type | pressure sensor |
REGISTRY-Link | ↪ REGISTRY (6892) |
No contacts available.
Available Devices and Specifications
Name | Model | Serial Number | REGISTRY-Link |
Absolute pressure sensor | DPM78851BA | 150408 | ↪ REGISTRY (6893) |
Absolute pressure sensor | DPM78851BA | 150409 | ↪ REGISTRY (6894) |
Absolute pressure sensor | DPM78851BA | 150407 | ↪ REGISTRY (6895) |
Absolute pressure sensor | DPM78851BA | 150406 | ↪ REGISTRY (6896) |
Absolute pressure sensor | DPM78851BA | 150463 | ↪ REGISTRY (6897) |
Absolute pressure sensor | DPM78851BA | 150482 | ↪ REGISTRY (6898) |
Specifications of DPM7885 (without mounting)
Info | DPM 7885 absolute pressure transducer are installed in the nose pylon of the aircraft for the basic meteorology module as well as in the turbulence nose boom used for turbulence measurements. |
X | 0.0 none |
Y | 0.0 none |
Z | 0.0 none |
Data logging, storage and archiving
Logged parameter
Parameter | O2ARegistry Output Type | Unit |
absolute (static) pressure | pressure | bar |