Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
UAS = Unmanned Aerial System
= whole system including all individual parts
UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
= only flight device
The department of logistics and research platforms was commisioned by the directorate to develop and apply rules for the usage of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at the Alfred Wegener Institute.
Regulations and recommendations have been taken into account which already apply in the Federal Republic of Germany and internationally as well as agreements of station operators in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Every person who wishes to use a UAS on behalf of AWI or during expeditions has to hand in a proposal according to the instructions given below.
UAS may only be used onboard with a valid approval.
Otherwise UAS must not be used privatly or professionally independant of size or weight of the UAS.
Proposals, approvals and usage onboard
A permit for flight is required of the national competent authority for usage in national territories. Propose for the permat in due time before the expedition if necessary with the help of AWI.
- Draw up a risk consideration for the specific usage of the UAS in cooperation with AWI logistics.
Announce the planned usage of the UAS to the AWI logistics via a user request. This proposal serves as the basis for identifying potential risks of flying the UAS for people, environment and infrastructure. Please hand in your risk assessment as well.
Proposal and risk assessment are reviewed by an external evaluator.
The external evaluator gives a recommendation for usage where appropriate with obligations.
AWI logistics grants an authorisation for the planned flights with the UAS. The may impose further obligations.
The proposal, approval and permits to fly have to be brought onboard and presented to the people in charge such as captain, cruise leader and flight officer.
Forms und further information
Contact person in the department of logistics & research platforms:
Dr.Tobias Boebel
Tel.: 1379
Proposal for usage (engl., dt.):
02-Antrag_NutzungUAS_V20170704 - dt.docx
General AWI procedures:
Polarstern procedures:
ATCM Resolution Environmental Guidelines for operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) in Antarctica