
The Motion Sensors (Hydrins 1 and Hydrins 2) are operated by ship's command only.


HYDRINS is a high-performance inertial navigation system (INS) optimized for hydrographic survey using multibeam echosounders. HYDRINS comprises a single compact unit and delivers highly accurate real-time position, heading, attitude and speed data.

Hydrins 1

Manufacturer iXBlue
Serial No. PH-1904
Type motion sensor

Hydrins 2

Manufacturer iXBlue
Serial No. PH-1887
Type motion sensor


Name Institution Role
Ralf Krocker Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Device Contact
Sebastian Immoor Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Device Contact



Hydrins 1

Infoxyz-position from Alignment Survey Report RV Polarstern (June 2016), located in room F632
X55.994 m
X-0 is at the center of der rudder (ref. design drawing of the vessel), positive X-axis is forward and along vessel centerline
Y-2.666 m
Y-0 at centerline, positive Y-axis is portside
Z11.6 m
Z-0 is set to the lowest point of the keel, positive Z-axis is upwards

Hydrins 2

Infoxyz-positon from Alignment Survey Report RV Polarstern (June 2016), located in room F632
X55.166 m
X-0 is at the center of der rudder (ref. design drawing of the vessel), positive X-axis is forward and along vessel centerline
Y-2.663 m
Y-0 at centerline, positive Y-axis is portside
Z11.599 m
Z-0 is set to the lowest point of the keel, positive Z-axis is upwards

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
course attitude deg
gyro heading attitude deg
gyro heading angle rate attitude deg/s
gyro pitch attitude deg
gyro pitch angle rate attitude deg/s
gyro roll attitude deg
gyro roll angle rate attitude deg/s
heave attitude m
heading attitude deg
latitude latitude deg
longitude longitude deg
speed speed knot
x-velocity speed m/s
y-velocity speed m/s
z-velocity speed m/s

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

Rawdata storage on board


Data archiving on land
