Expeditions require the existance of a code of conduct, that is adapted to their special requirements.

You can find the Code of Conduct - Expeditions here (to be signed by every participant before the expedition & will be collected by the Chief scientist):

Persons of trust

To make sure that expedition participants have the possibility to personally talk to persons of trust, two ombudsmen (always: one male & one female) will have to be appointed before each expedition by the chief scientist. Ombudsmen have to be other than the chief scientist him- or herself and participants need to have the possibility to talk to them in private.

The appointed persons of trust do not necessarily need to have a special training, as this is not always feasible for expedition participants, but briefings will be carried out beforehand and trainings will be offered whenever possible in the course of the expedition preparation. If they request for help they are free to contact Angelika Dummermuth (angelika.dummermuth@awi.de; 0049 471 48311012) or Jens Kroh (jens.kroh@awi.de; 0049 471 4831-2292) from AWI directorate’s office, who are in charge of complaints with regards to the General Act on Equal Treatment.

Complaint Office:


Accompanying documents

Several related documents and policies accompany the code:

The code also refers to the following two documents:

Safeguarding good scientific practice

Guidelines for responsible science at AWI