Expeditions require the existance of a code of conduct, that is adapted to their special requirements.

You can find the Code of Conduct - Expeditions here (to be signed by every participant before the expedition & will be collected by the Chief scientist):

Persons of trust

To make sure that expedition participants have the possibility to personally talk to persons of trust, two ombudsmen (always: one male & one female) will have to be appointed at the beginning of each expedition by the chief scientist. Ombudsmen have to be other than the chief scientist him- or herself and participants need to have the possibility to talk to them in private.

The appointed persons of trust do not necessarily need to have a special training, as this is not always feasible for expedition participants. If they request for help they are free to contact Angelika Dummermuth (angelika.dummermuth@awi.de; 0049 471 48311012) or Jens Kroh (jens.kroh@awi.de; 0049 471 4831-2292) from AWI directorate’s office, who are in charge of complaints with regards to the General Act on Equal Treatment.

Accompanying documents

Several related documents and policies accompany the code:

The code also refers to the following two documents:

Safeguarding good scientific practice

Guidelines for responsible science at AWI