The Aircraft Data Acquisition System (ADA) consists of several systems, the Nose Front End (ADA-N), the Radiation Front End (ADA-R) and the Central Front End (ADA-C). All units connect to different sensors from which they gather data and transfer it on request to a data server. For this they have high speed data communication implemented on a FPGA, as well as precise timing algorithms, for keeping the units in an accurate execution. A Web-GUI allows to view the application with a standard web browser. This GUI provides the user additional status information and allows to edit the configuration of the system. The systems are programmed with LabVIEW and installed on a National Instruments CompactRIO cRIO 9025 platform with several IO modules. All components are powered by 28 VDC. The Nose Front End is installed in the nose compartment of the aircraft while the other front ends are installed in racks. The Nose Front End communicates with the Central Front End via a permantently installed fibre optic cable.

Specifications (without mounting)



Dimension (mm)

Weight (kg)

Radiation Front End (ADA-R)

The Radiation Front End collects data from the Pyranometer CMP22, Pyrgeometer CGR4 and Radiation Thermometer KT19.85II.

210 x 330 x 104


Nose Front End (ADA-N)

The Nose Front End collects data from the temperature, humidity and pressure sensors in the nose compartment, data of the hygrometer CR-2 and data from the Turbulence Nose Boom if installed.

276 x 260 x 105


Central Front End (ADA-C)

The Central Front End receives data from several instruments such as the navigation systems IRS, Radar Altimeter and Air Data Computer. It also collects the data from the GPS Receivers.

449 x 483 x 195


Server Box (ADA-S)

The Server Box ADA-S hosts two Linux servers for data storage (DMS1 and DMS2) and one Windows server (dms-operator) for operation of the system.

449 x 483 x 195


After flight data are stored on a land-based instance of the Data Management System ( From there data can be ordered in a self-selected way by creating order templates. Data are only available after agreement of the campaign leader.

Here you can find a list of devices and data you can extract from

Module name Device name Parameters
B712 Basic Meteorology, B719 Turbulence Noseboom 1, B851 Turbulence Noseboom 2Static Pressure SlowErrorText; Static Pressure Slow; Status
B712 Basic Meteorology, B719 Turbulence Noseboom 1, B851 Turbulence Noseboom 2Static Pressure FastErrorText; Static Pressure Fast Raw [V]; Status
B700 AvionicsAir Data Computer P6ErrorText; Indicated Air Speed [knots]; Indicated Air Speed Status; Intertial Vertical Speed [knots]; Intertial Vertical Speed Status; MACH [N\A]; MACH Status; Outside Air Temperature [deg]; Outside Air Temperature Status; PALT 1013,25mB Status; PALT 1013,25mB [fts]; Status; Total Air Temperature Static [deg]; Total Air Temperature Static Status; True Airspeed [knots]; True_Airspeed_Status
B897 LICORLi_Cor 7200APres [kPa ]; CO2AW; CO2AWO; CO2D [mmol m-3 ]; CO2MF [µmol/mol ]; CO2Raw; CO2SS; Cooler [V ]; DPres [kPa ]; Date; DewPt [°C ]; DiagVal; DiagVal2; ErrorText; H2OAW; H2OAWO; H2OG [g/m-3 ]; H2OMF [µmol/mol ]; H2ORaw; H2OSS; NMEA messages LICOR 7200; Ndx; Status; Temp [°C ]; TempIn [°C ]; TempOut [°C ]; Time
B722 CR2 HygrometerHygrometer CR-2Balance; Board Temperature [°C]; CR2 ASCII; Coldfinger Temperature [°C]; Date; ErrorText; Mirror Flag; Mirror Temperature [°C]; Mixing Ratio [ppmv]; PWM TEC; Pressure [mbar]; Status; Status Flag; Time
B712 Basic Meteorology, B719 Turbulence Noseboom 1, B851 Turbulence Noseboom 2Static Pressure SlowErrorText; Static Pressure Slow; Status
B704 Scientific GPS devicesGPS2-5ErrorText; Status
B712 Basic Meteorology, B719 Turbulence Noseboom 1, B851 Turbulence Noseboom 2HumicapErrorText; Relative Humidity Raw [A]; Status; Temperature raw [A]
B700 AvionicsInternal Navigation SystemEast West Velocity [knots]; East West Velocity Status; ErrorText; Ground Speed [knots]; Ground Speed Status; Inertial Altitude [fts]; Inertial Altitude Status; Inertial Vertical Speed [ft/min]; Intertial Vertical Speed Status; Latitude [deg]; Latitude Status; Longitude [deg]; Longitude Status; Magenitc Heading [deg]; Magenitc Heading Status; North South Velocity [knots]; North South Velocity Status Pitch Angle [deg]; Pitch Angle Status; Pitch Rate [deg/s]; Pitch Rate Status; Roll Angle [deg]; Roll Angle Status; Roll Rate [deg/s]; Roll Rate Status; Status; True Heading [deg]; True Heading Status; True Track Angle [deg]; True Track Angle Status; Vertical Acceleration [g]; Vertical Acceleration Status; Wind Direction [deg]; Wind Direction Status; Wind Speed [knots]; Wind Speed Status; X Acceleration [g]; X Acceleration Status; Y Acceleration [g]; Y Acceleration Status; Yaw Rate [deg/s]; Yaw Rate Status; Z Acceleration [g]; Z Acceleration Status
B705 Laser Altimeter LD90LD90Amplitude; Error Code; ErrorText; LD90 ASCII; Range [m]; Statistical Variation; Status
B838 Altimeter LDM301LDM301Distance [m]; ErrorText; LDM301 ASCII; SignalQuality; Status; Temperature [°C]
B809 Nevzorov Sonde, B438 Nevzorov SondeNevzorov ProbeErrorText; LWC Probe [V]; Status; TWC Probe [V]
B840 Integral Radiation SensorsPyranometerErrorText; Shortwave Irradiance top temperature raw [Ohm]; Shortwave Irradiance top value raw [A]; Status; ErrorText; Shortwave Irradiance bottom temperature raw [Ohm]; Shortwave Irradiance bottom value raw [A]; Status
B840 Integral Radiation SensorsPyrgeometerErrorText; Longwave Irradiance top temperature raw [Ohm]; Longwave Irradiance top value raw [A]; Status; ErrorText; Longwave Irradiance bottom temperature raw [Ohm]; Longwave Irradiance bottom value raw [A]; Status
B700 AvionicsRadar AltimeterErrorText; Radar Altitude Raw [V]; Status
B839 KT19KT19 radiation thermometer serialErrorText; KT19 Serial; Status
B712 Basic Meteorology, B719 Turbulence Noseboom 1, B851 Turbulence Noseboom 2HumicapErrorText; Relative Humidity Raw [A]; Status; Temperature raw [A]
B835 ADASGPS1Age [sec]; Altitude; Altitude Unit; Day; ErrorText; GPS quality; Horizontal Speed [m/s]; Horizontal dilution of precision; Lat [deg]; Lat dir; Latency [sec]; Lon [deg]; Lon dir; Month; NMEA messages GPS 1; Number of satellites; Solution Status; Status; Track over Ground [deg]; UTC Time; Undulation; Undulation Unit; Velocity Type; Vertical Speed [m/s]; Year

External Devices

Data of several devices and sensors can not be stored automatically within in the DMS framework. They are downloaded from operator PCs or the devices themselves and copied to the DMS framework by hand. They can be found in the Data / External Devices folder of each flight. See a list of the external devices here:

Aethalometer AE33 (Magee Scientific)
Airborne Vertical Atmosphere Profiling System AVAPS (Vaisala)
Aircraft Integrated Meteorological Measurement System AIMMS-20 (Aventech Research Inc.)
AMALi - Airborne Mobile Aerosol Lidar (AWI)
AXIS Network Cameras
Electromagnetic (EM) Induction Sounding of Sea Ice Thickness (AWI / Ferra Dynamics Inc.)
Fast Greenhouse Gas Analyser FGGA (Los Gatos Research Inc.)
Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Accumulation Radar FMCW 400-800MHz (AWI / TU Harburg)
GoPro Cameras
Gravitymeter GT-2A (Canadian Micro Gravity)
Hyperspectral Camera AISA Eagle (Specim)
Ice Thickness Radar EMR (AWI / TU Harburg)
Laser Scanner LMS-VQ680i (Riegl)
Laser Scanner VQ580 (Riegl)
MACS (Modular Aerial Camera System)
Magnetic System
Nikon D5 Cameras
Ocean Optics Spectrometer (Ocean Optics Inc.)
Single Particle Soot Photometer SP2 (Droplet Measurement Technologies)
Slewable Video Camera (Dallmeier)
Snow Thickness Radar 8-12GHz (AWI / TU Harburg)
Sun Photometer SPTA (Dr. Schulz & Partner GmbH)
Thermal Mass Flow Meter (TSI)
Ultra High Sensitive Aerosol Spectrometer UHSAS (Droplet Measurement Technologies)
Ultra-Wideband Ice Radar 150-600 MHz (CReSIS)
Ultra-Wideband Microwave Snow Radar 2-18GHz (CReSIS)

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