
A passport with validity longer than 6 months after the end of the expedition is mandatory onboard. The passport needs to have at least 2 empty pages for remarks and stamps.

It happened that entry was refused at the airport because there were no empty pages in the passport.

You also need a passport for expeditions that plan to go to European harbours only. It is always possible that the cruise route has to be changed in case of disease or emergency and the ship has to go to a non-European country. In this case leaving the ship will only be easily possible with a valid passport.

Your passport will be controlled when entering the ship. Afterwards you will deliver it to the communication officer.

(Photo: Pixabay)


Please check whether you need a visa for the departure or arrival harbour. Information are given by the Federal Foreign Office. Non-German participants have to contact their responsible international representation office.

A copy of the visa has to be uploaded to the electronic expedition interface system EIS. Thereby port agencies are able to prepare entry or departure.

Responsibility for the visa lies with the participant. Examination of the contents by AWI will not take place.

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