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We provide on a monthly basis seminars on issues related to

Every three months we offer a seminar on O2A components and services as well as

best practices related to Research Data Management.  

other topics relevant to research data management. 


Unless otherwise notedcommunicated,   the jour fixes are scheduled for the last the seminar takes place every three months on the first Wednesday of the month., 9:00-10:30 AM.  

The seminars take place online and can be reached via the following link:


This is intended as an offer for you, however, as we are not always able to oversee which topics are of particular interest to you or which services still require explanation or an introduction, we need your support. Please feel free to contact us with any suggestion or comments you may have.

We will then try to incorporate these as best as possible.


Questions, feature requests, bugs?: Image


Could not attend training? Check seminar availability under "Related Items"If you have any questions, suggestions for topics or comments, please write to: : Image

Training Units




405.06.2024Data tables cleaning: checklist in RThis hands-on session aims to present an R script prepared by PANGAEA editors. It's designed to help dataset creators to check and resolve some common problems and issues with data tables, before submitting them to a data repository like PANGAEA. Furthermore, the script has also a more generic usage to help you with your data for example by finding typos or "copy and paste"-errors. This step-by-step procedure will be presented in R and is suitable for users with basic knowledge of R/RStudio. If you are interested in a Python version, please join the next PANGAEA Community Workshop.Daniela Ransby

REGISTRY -- teasering O2A's metadata backbone

 O2A's metadata management tool has been completely restructured,revised and expanded. With a new design and many new functions, it hasalso been rebranded. becomes REGISTRY. With thisclick-thru we want to show the basic operating concepts of the UI andthe most important changes and features.

Norbert Anselm

72023220.12.2023Christmas break

3829.11.2023User-Customizable Map ViewersThe Marine Data Portal provides map-based viewers for visual data exploration on the web. In addition to pre-curated viewers used to present selected research topics, data products, campaigns or projects, logged-in users can create their own custom viewers and publish them. In this seminar you will receive an introduction to the comprehensive functions of the viewer. You will be shown how you can use these and create simple data compilations to share them with your colleagues.Robin Heß

9425.10.2023Research SW Policy 
  1. Research SW Policy at AWI - overview 
  2. Research Software Publication - Licenses and Citation

Abstract: The new guidelines for research software at the AWI will be presented in the seminar.It is intended to increase awareness of research software as a tool, but also as an output of scientific work.Best practices should be established to ensure the quality of research software.This also includes the publication and citation of software.The survey conducted at AWI on research software made it clear that there is often a lack of clarity regarding licenses.Therefore, in the second part of the seminar, Tobias Schlauch from DLR will give an introduction to software publishing and licenses.

Bernadette Fritzsch
51004.10.2023Introduction to ANVIOCheaper, higher-quality sequencing technologies have made ‘omics analyses – metagenomics, pangenomics, phylogenomics, and more – central to investigations of microbial ecology and evolution. Anvi’o is a community-driven software platform enabling integrated analyses and interactive visualization of these multi-’omic data. It offers a versatile set of programs for working with sequence data that researchers can mix and match according to their research questions. While this can present a steeper learning curve than a simple data-in-results-out pipeline, it is not as difficult as you might think. In this talk, Iva Veseli (HIFMB) will introduce the anvi’o platform, discuss the various ways to learn and use anvi’o, and demonstrate how these strategies fit different research needs and users with different levels of computational experience.Iva VeseliIntroduction to Anvio presentation

71226.07.2023Summer break

81328.06.2023Introduction to the Nagoya ProtocolOn access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilizationRebecca AepflerNagoya Protocol Presentation
91431.05.2023Albedo, the new Ollie

In this seminar we will introduce the AWI's Albedo HPC System. The computer's hardware will be introduced along with a beginner introduction to using the machine, including recommended storage locations, available software, and usage of the batch system for scheduling your computations

Paul Gierz
101526.04.2023RasdamanNews from Datacube Land: rasdaman, Standards, and FederationPeter BaumannNews from Datacube Land - Rasdaman
111629.03.2023Easter break

121722.02.2023Drift&NoiseNavigating Icy Waters: Harnessing Earth Observation and AI for Optimal Polar RoutesLasse RabensteinNavigating Icy Waters Presentation
131825.01.2023GitLabIntroduction to Gitlab.awi.deNico Harms

View file
name2023-01-25 O2A - Git.pdf


Christmas break

162130.11.2022Dataflows in O2A Framework

Digital data Acquisition–Mobile Apps and Tools for Data acquisition:

  • Voice recognizing data aquisition
  • How to document events in the field (Mobile Event Log)
  • Citizen science app based (MyThaw)

Data Logistics Support group (DLS):

  • Norbert Anselm
  • Maximilian Betz
  • Janik Eilers
  • Sebastian Immoor
  • Rebecca Lauerburg

View file

172226.10.2022Autumn break


192431.08.2022Summer break

202527.07.2022 Summer break


Unlocking the potential of ML for Earth and Environment researchers


As Helmholtz AI Consultants, we support Helmholtz-based researchers on making the best use of ML methods for research questions related to Earth and Environmental sciences. This talk will introduce you to the way we work and what we have on offer for you. We will give insights into typical problem statements from Earth observation and Earth System modelling that are good candidates for experimentation with ML methods and report on our accumulated experience tackling such challenges with individual support projects. Given sufficient amounts of data and initial scientific problem statements, we work towards assembling practically meaningful demonstrators within a couple of months, laying the groundwork for further research projects. Example projects include wind speed regression on GNSS-R data, emulation of atmospheric chemistry modeling, Earth System model parameterizations with ML, marine remote sensing and time series analysis. We are happy to share our experiences and discuss the development of ML methods, prototypes and projects based on your input and scientific needs.

Tobias Weigelt (DKRZ)

222725.05.2022 Pentecost break

232827.04.2022GFBio: Publish your sequences with metadata

General Introduction (15 min)

  • Data submission as part of Research Data Management
  • GFBio’s single point of entry for submitting data to ENA & PANGAEA
  • NFDI4Biodiversity as a sustainability concept

Introduction to MIxS (15 min)

Demo (30 min)

  • Submission template for sequence data
  • Available fields (default fields and suggested for FAIRness)
  • Walk-through example with  a glimpse behind the curtains
  • Jimena Linares (GFBio e.V.)
  • Ivaylo Kostadinov (GFBio e.V.)

View file
View file
View file
nameJour-fixe O2AResearch Data Management-20220427 0702-1.mp4

242930.03.2022Machine learning
  • AI user group @AWI
  • ”Deep Learning for mapping permafrost disturbances”, Ingmar Nitze
  • "Quality Control of a Marine Dataset with an Autoencoder", Felix Reimers
  • "Automated flagging of a suspected​ temperature gradient error using supervised CNN architecture​", Mohamed Chouai
S. Pinkernell
R. Heß, K. Albers

View file
name2022-02-23 -- Data Division.pdf

263126.01.2022AWI's Cloud & Workspace
  1. Storing data at AWI
  2. Existing services
  3. Roadmap
  4. Questions/feedback?
A. Steinbach


293424.11.2021Research Information Systems (RIS)
  1. What is RIS and which scholarly output will be used for the metrics?
  2. RIS prototype 
  3. Roadmap
  4. Questions/Feedback
A. Starmans + T. Hoffmann
303527.10.2021Managing Research Data
  1. Data Management: Overview
  2. Data Management Planing
  3. Data Management: Tools
  4. Issues related to DNA/RNA sampling activities 
  5. Questions/Feedback
J. Felden (AWI). I. Kostadinov (GFBio e.V.)

View file
View file

313629.09.2021Research Information Systems (RIS)
  1. What is RIS and which scholarly output will be used for the metrics?
  2. RIS prototype 
  3. Roadmap
  4. Questions/Feedback
A. Starmans + Library
323725.08.2021Summer break

333828.07.2021Summer break

AWI's Cloud & Workspace

354026.05.2021Mobile ActionLog App
  1. How it works
  2. Integration into O2A
  3. Roadmap
  4. Questions/Feedback

N. Anselm

App and binaries:

Report at

Contact: Maximilian Betz || Norbert Anselm 



Due to Pentecost vacation, we have preponed this meeting to 14.04.2021.   

Machine learning
  • “Meet & Greet” to learn about machine learning activities @AWI
  • Short presentations: AI Projects and Use Cases
    • “ML infrastructure at AWI" (Long Phan)

    • "A deep-learning approach for mapping retrogressive thaw slumps across the Arctic" (Ingmar Nitze)

    • "Deep Learning for Supporting Ocean Data Quality Control" (Sebastian Mieruch)

    • "Melt ponds and subglacial lakes – how Machine Learning can help" (Niklas Neckel)

  • Open Discussion
S. Pinkernell, G. Busatto, L.D. Phan

If you would like to give a short presentation (5-10 minutes), please contact Stefan Pinkernell / Giorgio BusattoUnknown User (lphan) 



Due to Easter vacation, we have preponed this meeting to 24.03.2021.

Data Licenses

  1. Overview
  2. Creative Commons
  3. Questions/Feedback
U. Schindler
384324.02.2021Data analysis and visualization of unstructured model grids with psyplot
  1. Introduction to the psyplot python modul
  2. How to visualize unstructured model data grids
  3. How to apply data analysis
  4. Examples
  5. Questions/Feedback?
Philipp Sommer (HZG) (T. Dinter)Material:


  1. What is PANGAEA?
  2. What to look out for when filling out data  submission form
  3. Data paper versus  paper publication - Two complementary but not necessarily depending  processes
  4. Questions/Feedback?



postponed → 28.10.2020

My "Workspace"
  1. Where can I store my data?
  2. Which platforms are available for data processing?
  3. Collaborative platform solutions at AWI and external solutions
  4. Outlook
  5. Questions/Feedback?

Already have an AWI account, need VPN access? helpdesk (at) awi . de 

434824.06.2020O2A in Project MOSES

Feedback/clarification for MOSES project participants at AWI Potsdam

>> Postponed to late Fall 2020.  New date TBA in Potsdam 

444927.05.2020Machine learning and more
  1. Machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence basics for beginners
  2. Python libraries for ML and DL
  3. Infrastructure at AWI
  4. Questions/Feedback?

AI tools & projects

View file

455029.04.2020Machine learning and more
  1. Machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence basics for beginners
  2. Python libraries for ML and DL
  3. Infrastructure at AWI
  4. Questions/Feedback?

>> Postponed to 27.05 due to CV crisis

465125.03.2020Machine learning and more
  1. Machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence basics for beginners
  2. Python libraries for ML and DL
  3. Infrastructure at AWI
  4. Questions/Feedback?

>>Postponed to 24.04 due to CV crisis

475226.02.2020Rasdaman, big data analytics solutons
  1. What is rasdaman?
  2. rasdaman@AWI
  3. Demo:  petascope web interface, jupyter notebook examples
  4. Integration into GIS infrastructure  at AWI
  5. Questions/Feedback?

495427.11.2019Software Versionning
  1. Why version control?
  2. Git and alternatives
  3. Git concepts, ecosystem
  4. Git basics
  5. Hands-on demo
    1. Gitlab and Jupyterhub
  6. Questions/feedback?  (GitHub repository for "O2A-data")

Documentation: GitLab Documentation


  1. Jupyter notebooks:  basic concept
  2. Hands-on JupyterHub at AWI
  3. Questions/Feedback?;

Documentation: Jupyterhub Documentation (old Version)
