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CryoSat-2: Winter 2017/18 Mean Anomaly (Sea Ice Radar Altimetry (SIRAL))
CCI sea ice thickness climate data record finalized (Sea Ice Radar Altimetry (SIRAL))
CryoSat-2 & PIOMAS Thickness Anomalies (Sea Ice Radar Altimetry (SIRAL))
CryoSat-2: Arctic Update (April 2018) (Sea Ice Radar Altimetry (SIRAL))
CryoSat-2: Arctic Update (March 2018) (Sea Ice Radar Altimetry (SIRAL))
CryoSat-2: Arctic Update (February 2018) (Sea Ice Radar Altimetry (SIRAL))
CryoSat-2: Arctic Update (January 2018) (Sea Ice Radar Altimetry (SIRAL))