
The sensors of the weather station are running autonomously. Please contact DWD for any inquiries.


The weather station at Heincke consists of several devices which autonomously measure standard parameters such as temperature, wind, humidity, barometric pressure, radiation and precipitation.

Manufacturer DWD
Model DWD
Serial No. n/a
Type small scale facility


Name Institution Role
Henry Kleta Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Data Provider


Data of the different sensors are gathered by the central data aquisition unit which assorts them into telegrams.

  • DWD weather report: This telegram contains weather data encoded as required by WMO guideline (FM-13 SHIP). It is generated once per hour and send via a DCP sender (DWD) to a Meteosat satellite. The sending antenna is installed on the portside of the main mast. 
  • Data telegram for onboard DShip data aquisition: This telegram is constructed in accordance with the "NMEA 0183" standard.

  • Data telegram onboard weather station and PC: Data exchange is also conducted between a PC on the bridge deck and the data aquisition unit. The PC serves as a display for the weather data but can also be used for manually entering observations. The telegram is DWD-internal and does not follow any standards. It is not distributed to foreign users.

Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
Barometric Pressure Sensor PTB220 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (2372)
Data aquisition unit MILOS 500 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (2644)
Humidity Sensor HMP45D n/a ↪ REGISTRY (2371)
Temperature Sensor PT-100 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (2374)
Water Temperature Sensor PT-100 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (2375)
Wind Sensor (anemometer) wind and wind direction transmitter classic n/a ↪ REGISTRY (2373)


InfoSensors are installed on the main mast of RV Heincke. The barometric pressure sensor and the data aquisiton unit are installed in the Umformerraum.
X0.0 (no unit given)
Y0.0 (no unit given)
Z0.0 (no unit given)

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
absolute wind direction wind direction deg
absolute wind speed wind speed m/s
air pressure pressure hPa
air temperature air temperature °C
global radiation global radiation W/m2
humidity relative humidity %
longwave radiation diffuse radiation W/m2
relative wind direction wind direction deg
relative wind speed wind speed m/s
water temperature water temperature °C

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

Rawdata storage on board


Data archiving on land


No resources available.