
The Trimble GPS receiver provides position data for scientific devices.


The SPS461 GPS Heading and Positioning Receivers are modular, dual-antenna systems for marine construction and hydrographic survey. It may improve accuracy by using DGPS via SBAS, OmniSTAR VBS, MSK Beacon or external RTCM DGPS corrections. The receiver is equipped with a single GA530 L1/L2/OmniSTAR/Beacon/SBAS antenna. Therefore heading, roll and pitch cannot be calculated.

Manufacturer Trimble
Model Trimble Marine SPS461
Serial No. 5228K50585
Type satellite positioning system


Name Institution Role
Ralf Krocker Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Engineer In Charge


The GPS receiver is installed on the bridge deck. The antenna is installed on the observation deck.

In the registration lab an NMEA stream of GPS records can be received. 4 sockets of RS232 type (DSub9) with following setting are available: 4800 Baud, No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit.
NMEA records of type $GPGGA, $GPVTG, $GPZDA, $GPRMC, $GPGLL are provided with 1 Hz.

No subdevices available.


Infoxyz-position of antenna from Alignment Survey Report RV Heincke (January 2016). Antenna located on observation deck, device located on bridge deck.
X39.6 m
Positive X axis is forward and along the centerline of the vessel with X0 at the Stern point of the vessel.
Y-2.129 m
Positive Y axis is portside of centerline with Y0 at centerline at the Very stern point of the vessel.
Z16.433 m
Positive Z axis is upwards of basis. Z0 is set to the hydrophone on midship.

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
altitude distance m
course over ground attitude deg
day date and time d
latitude latitude deg
longitude longitude deg
month date and time mo
number of satellites index number
GPS quality indicator quality flag number
differential reference station ID index number
speed over ground speed knot
year date and time a

Additionally a computer is installed receiving T02 data from this sensor. These data are used to calculate GPS tide. Three different services are available: 1=Uncorrected, 2=Ultra-rapid and 3=Rapid/Final. GPS tide is provided as two column file (date/time, height) to be used by multibeam echo sounder. See more details in Heincke_GPS_Tide_v20191016.pdf.

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

Time synchronization is done by DShip receiving the data for logging. Still, the data itself contain GPS time information

Rawdata storage on board

Data storage in DShip system.


Uncorrected measurement data.

Device name

DGPS Trimble


Age of Differential GPS data (none)
Altitude (m)
Course over ground (deg)
Day (none)
Differential reference station ID (none)
Geoidal separation (m)
GPS Quality indicator (none)
Horizontal dilution (none)
Latitude (°)
Local zone hours (none)
Local zone minutes (none)
Longitude (°)
Month (none)
Number of satellites (none)
Sentence (text)
Sentence (text)
Sentence (text)
Speed over ground (kn)
UTC of position (s)
UTC Raw (s)
Year (none)

Data archiving on land

After the cruise the DShip data set can be extracted from
