
The observatory is always manned with a weather radio technician and a meteorologist during scientific cruises. The facilities of the meteorological observatory can be co-used by scientists for special measurements.


The weather station at Polarstern consists of several devices which measure standard parameters such as temperature, wind, humidity, barometric pressure, radiation and precipitation. Satellite images are received with a dedicated antenna which, together with the data, are used for forecast purposes. The station is operated by a weather technician-observer from the German Weather Service (DWD) who is responsible for the routine 3-hourly synoptic observations and the daily upper air soundings.

Manufacturer AWI
Model AWI
Serial No. n/a
Type small scale facility


Name Institution Role
Bernd Loose Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Engineer In Charge
Holger Schmithüsen Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Principal Investigator, Editor
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Owner
Loretta Preis Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Engineer In Charge, Editor



Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
Barometric Pressure Sensor Vaisala PTB330 digital barometer n/a ↪ REGISTRY (1410)
Cloud Height Detector CL51 F4060001 ↪ REGISTRY (1409)
Global Radiation Sensor Pyranometer SMP21 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (1415)
Ship Rain Gauge SRM 450 H 093999 ↪ REGISTRY (1417)
Sunshine Detector SONI e3 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (1416)
Temperature and Humidity HMP155 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (1523)
Visibility Sensor FS11 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (1408)
Water temperature for weather station PT100 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (5010)
Wind Sensors (anemometer) Ultrasonic Anemometer Sonic 2D n/a ↪ REGISTRY (1413)


Infono xyz-position given, the weather station is located on deck A
X0.0 (no unit given)
Y0.0 (no unit given)
Z0.0 (no unit given)

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
air pressure pressure hPa
air temperature air temperature °C
ceiling cloud ceiling ft
ceiling_m cloud ceiling m
direct radiation direct radiation W/m2
global radiation global radiation W/m2
max rel. wind velocity last min wind speed m/s
precipitation precipitation mm/min
rel. humidity relative humidity %
rel. wind direction wind direction deg
rel. wind velocity wind speed m/s
sunshine indicator UV radiation unknown
true wind direction wind direction deg
true wind speed wind speed m/s
true wind velocity wind speed m/s
visibility visibility m

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

Rawdata storage on board


Data archiving on land