Provisioning of stations on land

RV Polarstern is a supply and research ice breaker. The task of supply to the land stations is of great importance despite reachability of the stations by aircraft. Capacity of aviation is not sufficient to transport the amounts of fuel, provisions and other goods needed by the research stations.

Provisioning of the stations is coordinated by AWI logistics. The scientific coordinator of RV Polarstern integrates the necessary time in the cruise schedule.

Time requirements for provisioning have to be considered in the scientific planning of the expedition already at an early stage.

RV Polarstern on its way to Neumayer-Station III

Neumayer-Station III

Room for containers and other goods

The forecastle of RV Polarstern is categorically not available during provision cruises to Neumayer III except for 2 containers reserved for research issues. The same applies to the upper, forward cargo space.

The chief scientists are informed in good time in case of container space being available exceptionally

Re-stowing of containers may be possible depending on ice situation and mooring place potentionally allowing to use additional containers for scientific purposes after leaving Neumayer.

Time plan (chief scientist)

For the transit from Walfisbay to Neumayer you have to consider 13 days without any station time included.

Reaching a mooring place takes 6 to 24 hours depending on ice conditions.

Cargo handling at the shelf ice edge has to be calculated with at least 72 hours. Depending on work load and ice conditions it may also take considerably longer.

With due regard to all participants provisioning should not be planned for Christmas Eve (24./1200 – 25./0800).

Provisioning has priority over scientific work. Captain and field operation leader of NMIII coordinate the works. The chief scientist is informed regularly so that scientifc work can be planned.

Visiting stations

Visits to the station are arranged in agreement with the field operation leader. Transport of people is carried out by Pistenbully and sleighs. Visitors will not be transported by helicopter.

Visitors are kindly asked to follow the instructions of the station personnel. Operating the station requires the full awareness of the station personnel especially during the cargo works and larger groups of visitors have to be carefully integrated into the workflow.

Impressions from the eternal ice: Neumayer-Station III

AWIPEV, Spitzbergen, NyAlesund

Cold storage of samples

Pick-up of cold storage samples has to be planned for in case of the expedition going nearby  AWIPEV Station / NyAlesund. This may be achieved by helicopter or dinghy depending on the situation.

Transporting such samples is a special challenge for commercial logistic companies. Transport by RV Polarstern is safer due to expert staff for chilled goods on board.

The chief scientist is urged to consider time at AWIPEV in their cruise planning and to contact the station leader on-site.

Geographical position of AWIPEV research station (Figure: Matthias Siebenhüner)

Lage der AWIPIV Forschungsbasis

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