
Please note that operations of the CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) watersampler requires experienced scientific staff on board. The system is not operated by the ship's crew. Announce operations with the CTD Watersampler to AWI-Logistics prior to the cruise and clarify the data transfer after the cruise.


The CTD probe measures conductivity and temperature along a vertical transect through the water body. The measured parameter are used to calculate the salinity of the water. Additionally, up to 24 water samples can be taken in different water depths during the CTD measurements.

Manufacturer Seabird
Model SBE911plus mit SBE32
Serial No. n/a
Type CTD


Name Institution Role
Mario Hoppmann Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Engineer In Charge
Sandra Tippenhauer Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Engineer In Charge
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Owner



Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
Altimeter Teledyne (Benthos) PSA-916 1228 ↪ REGISTRY (5902)
Fl. Chla. Wetlabs FLRTD 1670 ↪ REGISTRY (5905)
SBE32 Water sampling frame 657 ↪ REGISTRY (5897)
SBE3plus temperature sensor SN 2417 SBE3plus n/a ↪ REGISTRY (8136)
SBE3plus temperature sensor SN 2460 SBE3plus n/a ↪ REGISTRY (8137)
SBE4 conductivity sensor SN 2054 SBE4 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (8138)
SBE4 conductivity sensor SN 2055 SBE4 n/a ↪ REGISTRY (8139)
SBE43 dissolved oxygen sensor SN 048 048 ↪ REGISTRY (5879)
SBE43 dissolved oxygen sensor SN 743 743 ↪ REGISTRY (6182)
SBE5 pump 1954 ↪ REGISTRY (5891)
SBE5 pump 8791 ↪ REGISTRY (5892)


Infono xyz-position given, device stored on deck E and deployed when needed
X0.0 (no unit given)
Y0.0 (no unit given)
Z0.0 (no unit given)

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
altimeter distance m
conductivity conductivity S/m
fluorescence fluorescence V
oxygen oxygen ml/l
pressure pressure dbar
temperature water temperature °C
transmission visibility %

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

Rawdata storage on board

Data archiving on land
