Alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer and spirits can be obtained and consumed onboard.
The cruise leader may issue stricter rules during the expedition.
Every participant is responsible for himself with respect to customs regulations. Upon entering the harbour not more than 1 litre if high-proof alcohol per person is allowed in the cabin. Information regarding special regulations in the different ports can be given by the crew.
The Alkohol Policy for AWI vessels as part of the code of conduct can be found here: Drug & Alkohol Policy
Consume alcohol with caution and according to the regulations onboard.
You are on a ship where in case of emergency every cruise member has to help in emergency response.
External help or protection may only come late if it comes at all!
It is therefore in your own interest to make sure that you are in the condition to safely master emergency situations at all times!
Farewell on the ice edge (Photo: Thomas Steuer)