In foreign ports, the AWI uses the services of local agencies, e.g. to handle freight, customs and dangerous goods in accordance with local regulations, to implement immigration regulations, to assist with hotel accommodation or travel or to use other services that become necessary during the port stay. All services provided by the agency incur costs which must be charged to the party responsible.
- Services of the agencies in ports abroad may only be ordered by the cruise leader, the captain or AWI ship coordination.
- Other services and support by the agency have to be paid by the participants themselves.
- Settling the costs for the port fees is a demanding task for the agencies because it is often unclear who is the right receipient for the bill.
For the sake of clarity always point out clearly, who is the customer and who is the bill recipient.
- Services of the agencies in ports abroad may only be ordered by the cruise leader, the captain or AWI ship coordination.
AWI logistics: AWI logistic will pay for some services that where settled with the agency beforehand.
Ship operator: Services ordered by the captain on behalf of the ship operator will be paid by the ship operator.
AWI group: Name the AWI division / section which gets the bill.
External: Indicate your own institute / company for the bill.
- If you arrange anything with the agency directly please inform about it.