
Temperature sensors are permantly installed in a de-iced Rosemount housing in both aircraft as part of the Basic Meteorology module. Additionally, temperature sensors are installed in nose booms used for turbulence measurements. Here two sensors are used - one in a de-iced and one in a not de-iced Rosemount housing.


Temperature sensors are used for measuring the air temperature at the nose of the aircraft or within the Turbulence Nose Boom. The Turbulence Nose Boom comprises de-iced as well as non-deiced sensors while the basic meteorology only uses de-iced sensors.

Manufacturer Goodrich
Model 102E
Serial No. n/a
Type temperature sensor


No contacts available.

Available Devices and Specifications

Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
PT100 Temperature Sensors 102E B10807 ↪ REGISTRY (6944)
PT100 Temperature Sensors 102E 14658E ↪ REGISTRY (6946)
PT100 Temperature Sensors 102E 14663E ↪ REGISTRY (6947)
PT100 Temperature Sensors 102E 70511 ↪ REGISTRY (6948)
PT100 Temperature Sensors 102E B10530 ↪ REGISTRY (6949)
PT100 Temperature Sensors 102E B10682 ↪ REGISTRY (6950)

Specifications of temperature sensor (without mounting)


InfoTemperature sensors are installed in the nose compartment as well as within the Turbulence Nose Boom.
X0.0 none
Y0.0 none
Z0.0 none

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameter

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
temperature analogue signal temperature Ohm

Rawdata storage on board

Data archiving on land



Also see for calibration certificates of the sensors.