The main table to enter device operations is called ActionLog Events. The table ActionLog Activities also comes into play at times when making certain changes. 

Delete Device Operation

  1. Open Device Operation in Action Log Events
  2. Mark Device Operation in Action Log Events and click on Trash-Icon to delete Device Operation (NOTE: only works when Device Operation is opened.)
  3. If deleted Device Operation is latest in the Science Activity also delete Device Operation in Action Log Activities (only possible if it is the latest entry, ignore otherwise)

Change Label for a Device Operation

  1. Open Device Operation in Action Log Events
  2. Edit Label in ActionLog Activities
  3. Save Modifications in Device Operation in ActionLog Activities
  4. Save Modifications (and close if appropriate) to Device Operation in Action Log Events

Change Device for a Device Operation

  1. Open Device Operation in Action Log Events
  2. Edit Device Operation in ActionLog Activities : Choose Device and click Apply
  3. Save Modifications in Device Operation in ActionLog Activities
  4. Save Modifications (and close if appropriate) to Device Operation in Action Log Events

Change activated Subdevices in a Device Operation

  1. Open Device Operation in Action Log Events
  2. Edit Device Operation in ActionLog Activities : Click on Tool-Icon next to Device: Select Subdevices and click Apply
  3. Save Modifications in Device Operation in ActionLog Activities
  4. Save Modifications (and close if appropriate) to Device Operation in Action Log Events

Change Positioning System from default to 'CUSTOM'

  1. Open Device Operation in Action Log Events
  2. Edit Device Operation in ActionLog Activities : Choose Positioning System "Custom"  and click Apply
  3. Save Modifications in Device Operation in ActionLog Activities
  4. Edit Device Operation in ActionLog Events and enter own GPS-positions. NOTE!!: Only use decimal format (do not enter any characters, commas or whitespaces!)
  5. Save Modifications (and close if appropriate) to Device Operation in Action Log Events

Move Action to another Science Activity

  1. Open Device Operation in Action Log Events
  2. Change Science Activity
  3. Reenter Device for Device Operation
  4. Click Save
  5. NOTE: You have now moved the action from one device operation to another. If you wish to delete the old device operation and it has no other actions: Add a dummy action and delete it as described in 'Delete Device Operation'.
  • No labels