
The ssh program is used to connect to remote machines. There are many helpful articles online:

  1. from the manual: you should read the manual ;-)

Several of the HPC centres our scientists work on also have internal SSH documentation:

In practice, you want the following:


One of the most common flags is either -Y, -X, which enables X-Window forwarding. You can also configure ssh via a configuration file, which you can read about here.

Keys and the ssh-agent

Using ssh program to connect to remote machines is a common pratice in a HPC environment. Typically, HPC sites require user to generate ssh-key so that authentication is carried out based on this pre-shared public ssh-key. The private and public ssh-keys reside on users local machine (laptop or desktop) in their home directory and is not required to copied to the remote machine (HPC login node). A user having accounts at multiple HPC sites can have unique ssh-key paris for each one of them.

In the simpler usecase, connection to any of these remote HPC sites from local machine is straightforward as the ssh-keys are availble on the local machine for authentication but what if the requirement is to establish connection between two remote machines, say for data transfer between them. How does the work-flow looks like in this case? One naive approach is to copy the ssh-keys from local machine to one of the machines so that authencation credentails are available on that machine to connect to the other machine. The same can be done on the other remote machine if the connection from that machine is required to the other remote machine. what if there are 10 different remote HPC machines, the naive approach does work but it soon becomes cumbersome to mainting ssh-keys at different sites. Also what if one of the remote sites is compromized? As ssh-keys are available on that remote site, the unauthorized user can use these keys to connect to the other remote sites without our knowledge. This poses a huge potential security risk. A better approch to this problem is to use ssh-agent.

Depending on the operating system, ssh-agent service may or may not be turned on by default. Assuming the ssh-agent service is running, one can add ssh-keys to the agent. ssh-agent can forward the keys for authentication when establishing the connection without copying keys to remote machine. It can also authenticate from one remote machine to the other remote machine without having to copy the ssh-keys to any of the remote machines.

To ensure ssh-agent is running, check out the environment variable:


To add a specific key to the agent:

$ ssh-add -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

To add all the keys to the agent:

$ ssh-add -A

To list all the keys loaded:

$ ssh-add -L
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1...nmyx AWI
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1...nq3a DKRZ

ssh-ing to albedo with key-forwarding. If -A option is not provided the ssh-agent does not forward the keys.

$ ssh -A
Last login: Tue Nov  7 15:08:42 2023 from x.x.x.x
pasili001@albedo0:~$ ls -al ~/.ssh
total 3
drwx--S--- 2 pasili001 hpc_user 4096 Nov  3 18:58 .
drwx--S--- 7 pasili001 hpc_user 4096 Nov  7 17:16 ..
-rw------- 1 pasili001 hpc_user  102 Nov  2 12:24 authorized_keys
-rw-r--r-- 1 pasili001 hpc_user 2348 Nov  7 15:12 known_hosts

Observe that there is no ssh-keys pairs in this folder (~/.ssh). As the ssh-keys were forwarded (ssh -A) while connecting to albedo, it should be possible to connect to levante (another remote HPC site) from albedo directly.

pasili001@albedo0:~$ ssh
Last login: Mon Nov  6 11:37:56 2023 from x.x.x.x
[a270243@levante1 ~]$
[a270243@levante1 ~]$ logout
Connection to closed.

copying a file from levante to albedo

pasili001@albedo0:~$ cd tmp
pasili001@albedo0:~/tmp$ scp .                             100%  637    34.5KB/s   00:00

using rsync for the transfer. Requires specifying flag (--rsh="ssh -A") so rsync is made aware of the forwarded ssh-keys.

pasili001@albedo0:~/tmp$ ls
pasili001@albedo0:~/tmp$ rsync -av --rsh="ssh -A" .
receiving incremental file list

sent 123 bytes  received 35,655 bytes  23,852.00 bytes/sec
total size is 35,239  speedup is 0.98
pasili001@albedo0:~/tmp$ ls

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