Please note that operations of the Fishnet Echo Sounders requires experienced scientific staff on board and can only be operated upon request. The system is not operated by the ship's crew. Request operations with the Fishnet Echo Sounders to AWI-Logistics in sufficient time prior to the cruise and clarify the data transfer after the cruise.
The net echo sounders are used for information about the status of fishnets deployed in the water. Information about depth of the net, distance to seabed and amount of fish coming in are provided. Small sensors are attached to the trawl and deliver data to the ship where they are received by hydrophones. The SCANBAS365 system can be used together with the SS4 catch sensor, the SS4 door sensor and the TE40 trawl eye available on RV Heincke.
Manufacturer | Scanmar |
Model | SCANBAS365 |
Serial No. | n/a |
Type | echo sounder |
REGISTRY-Link | ↪ REGISTRY (9215) |
Transducer Frequency
Name | Institution | Role |
Ralf Krocker | Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Engineer In Charge |
The Scanmar sensors and the battery charging equipment are stored in the Umformerraum. Two hydrophones are permanently installed on the hull of the ship. The working console with SCANBAS365 installed is situated on the bridge. It analyzes and visualizes the data.
Info | no xyz-position given. The system is operated from the console on the bridge. The net sensors are stored in the Umformerraum in the forecastle. |
X | 0.0 (no unit given) |
Y | 0.0 (no unit given) |
Z | 0.0 (no unit given) |
Data logging, storage and archiving
Logged parameters
Parameter | O2ARegistry Output Type | Unit |
depth of trawl | depth | m |