
Please note that operations of the Fishing Echo Sounder Simrad EK 60 / EK 80 requires experienced scientific staff on board and can be only operated on request. The system is not operated by the ship's crew. Request operations with the Fishing Echo Sounder Simrad EK 60 / EK 80 to AWI-Logistics in sufficient time prior to the cruise and clarify the data transfer after the cruise.

Data quality of Fishing Echo Sounder Simrad EK 60 / EK 80 is decreased by operating other Echo Sounders. Switch off these Echo Sounders for high data quality.


The sounder operates several frequencies simultaneously thus allowing to detect fish or even plancton in different depths.

Manufacturer Kongsberg
Model Simrad EK 60 / EK 80
Serial No. n/a
Type echo sounder

Transducer Frequency


Name Institution Role
Sören Krägefsky Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Data Scientist


The four split beam transducer ES-38B, ES-70C, ES-120C and ES-200C are installed in the keel of RV Heincke. The transceiver and receiver are situated in the Lotgeraeteraum. Three PCs are available for handling of the EK60/80 on the bridge, in the Messraum and in the dry laboratory. Additionally a display is located in the wet laboratory.

The PCs are equipped with the aquisiton and processing software ER60. For further processing the software "echoview" may be used. A dongle is required for usage of the software. The dongle is NOT permanently stored on the ship. Please contact the responsible person for usage of the dongle in advance of the cruise.

Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
EK60 120 kHz transducer WBT: 580699 ↪ REGISTRY (2521)
EK60 200 kHz transducer WBT: 582193 ↪ REGISTRY (2523)
EK60 38 kHZ transducer WBT: 582157 ↪ REGISTRY (2541)
EK60 70 kHz transducer WBT: 582166 ↪ REGISTRY (2522)


InfoThe transducer of the Fishing Echo Sounder system are situated in the keel of RV Heincke. Transceiver and receiver are located in the so called Lotgeraeteraum and the computers are stored in the Mess- and Registrierraum.
X0.0 (no unit given)
Y0.0 (no unit given)
Z0.0 (no unit given)

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
depth at different frequencies depth m

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

NMEA ZDA strings are stored in the data files. The position is NOT centralized to the EK60/80 transducers. The PCs are time synchronised via the Windows-Domain-Affiliation

Rawdata storage on board

Mass data: The data acquisition and processing software ER60 creates rawdata in the mass storage.


Depth information are transferred to DShip only if the system is run in the bottom detection mode.

Device name



Depth Fathoms 120kHz (fm)
Depth Fathoms 200kHz (fm)
Depth Fathoms 38kHz (fm)
Depth Fathoms 70kHz (fm)
Depth Feet 120kHz (ft)
Depth Feet 200kHz (ft)
Depth Feet 38kHz (ft)
Depth Feet 70kHz (ft)
Depth Meters 120kHz (m)
Depth Meters 200kHz (m)
Depth Meters 38kHz (m)
Depth Meters 70kHz (m)

Data archiving on land

After consultation with the data scientist and AWI Logistics the EK60/80 data including meta data may be transferred to PANGAEA (
