
Please note that operations of the Sediment Echo Sounder Innomar SES requires experienced scientific staff on board for permanent supervision of data aquisition and storage. The system is not operated by the ship's crew. Announce operations with the Sediment Echo Sounder to AWI-Logistics prior to the cruise and clarify the data transfer after the cruise.


The Sediment Echo Sounder surveys the upper layers of the seafloor via the reflection of acoustic signals. Penetration of the sediment up to 70m can be achieved under good conditions. The system is operational up to 2000m water depth.

Manufacturer Innomar Technologie GmbH
Model SES-2000 medium-100
Serial No. 2021/09/F/88/E3
Type echo sounder

Transducer frequency


Name Institution Role
FIELAX Support FIELAX Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Device Contact
Ralf Krocker Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Device Contact


The SES system consists of the transducer, the main unit and a data aquisition PC. The software "SES for Windows" is installed on the aquisition PC. Furthermore two PCs with the processing software "ISE Post Processing Software for SES2000" are available on the bridge deck and in the Messraum.

Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
Transducer of SES2000 SN e3082-4 E3082-4 ↪ REGISTRY (11195)


The SES system consists of the transducer, the main unit and a data aquisition PC. The software "SES for Windows" is installed on the aquisition PC. Furthermore two PCs with the processing software "ISE Post Processing Software for SES2000" are available on the bridge deck and in the Messraum.

Infoxyz-position of transducer from Alignment Survey Report RV Heincke (January 2016). Electronics in Lotgeraeteraum on tween deck. Operation console on bridge deck and in the Messraum.
X45.027 m
Positive X axis is forward and along the centerline of the vessel with X0 at the Stern point of the vessel.
Y-0.371 m
Positive Y axis is portside of centerline with Y0 at centerline at the Very stern point of the vessel.
Z0.085 m
Positive Z axis is upwards of basis. Z0 is set to the hydrophone on midship.

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
Depth, compacted depth m
Two-way traveltime time ms

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

The GPS position of the Trimble GPS receiver antenna is stored in the data files. The position is centralized to the SES2000 transducers. Heave correction between the motion sensor and the transducer are calculated in the motion sensor and corrected values are transferred to the SES. Time synchronisation is achieved via NTP.

Rawdata storage on board

The data acquisition software creates raw data on the local drive of the computer. The SES data are not transferred to DShip.


Only the SES depth below surface is written via serial connection to DShip.

Device name



Depth (m)

Data archiving on land

After consultation with the data scientist and AWI Logistics the SES data including meta data may be transferred to PANGAEA
