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Here we don't provide a complete list of available software. To check, what is currently available, please also check the output of

module avail


We currently provide the following compilers:

gcc8.5.0-system default

12.1.0gcc/12.1.0activated support for offloading on Nvidia GPUs (nvptx)




On albedo we mainly use spack to install software and provide module files.

On albedo it can also be used by users to

  • install their own software into their $HOME
  • load specific packages (similarly to what environment modules do)

Simply load the spack module:

module load spack

This version is configured, such that it makes use of the global software tree, installed by the admins, and your installations go into $HOME/.spack .

Please consult the official documentation on how to use spack:

Python, R, conda, Jupyter


We provide Python modules (currently only 3.10) with a series of useful packages pre-installed. This python module is actually a conda environment which simply sets the correct shell variables for you. You can also use it as a starting location to create your own environments. The definition file may be found here: /albedo/soft/install_templates/conda/plotting/requirements.yml

If you would like additional globally available python environments, just ask!


Similar to the Python, the R modules are also conda environments. The module r/4.2 also includes r-studio, which you can open from the terminal and then use via X.


Conda is a package manager for Python, R, and Julia software. You can use it on our HPC system by:

$ module load conda

Thereafter, you should be able to use conda to manage your Python/R/Julia environments. Typically you will want to install software via:

$ conda install -c conda-forge <PACKAGE_NAME>

Note that this allows you to install both Python as well as R packages. Full documentation for conda is provided here: 

A useful cheat sheet for using conda can be found here:


Jupyter is an interactive computing environment which lets you execute notebooks which can mix code, text, graphics, and LaTeX all in a single document. To start a local Jupyter server, ensure that you have Jupyter installed in your currently activated conda environment, and then run:

$ jupyter lab --no-browser --ip /path/to/start/from

The printed output will direct you to a website where you can then open up the Jupyter interface. 

We are currently working on an experimental JupyterHub which will allow you to log on to the login nodes and run notebooks directly from the browser. If you want to test this out, you can try here: Note that VPN is required!


Still under constuction

Singularity support is still under construction!

Singularity (now renamed Apptainer) is a containerization software similar to Docker but with several additional security features which make it feasible to use on HPC systems. You can find more information about the software here:

We offer Apptainer/Singularity as a module which can be loaded with:

$ module load apptainer

Thereafter, you should have both the singularity and apptainer executables available to you so you can download and run containers. These programs are interchangeable.

Important note about building containers from scratch: Building requires root privileges! However, the generated container files are portable and can be copied from (e.g.) your personal laptop to the HPC system. Alternatively, you can consider to use the "remote builder" hosted at


Currently the most recent version (R2022b) of Matlab is available on albedo.

We offer the software as a module accessible by

module load matlab

After loading the module the program is started by


Right now the usage on compute nodes is still being set up so please use Matlab temporarily on albedo0 or albedo1 until usage on compute nodes is fully set up.

Please activate personal license if you have one. This is done just like on any other platform by running

(after loading the module). A GUI will guide you through the necessary steps for activation of your personal license. Please note that you need to activate a license on albedo0 and albedo1 in case you would like to use Matlab on both  login nodes. 

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