
The device is running autonomously. For details see contact information.


ECO FL(RT) chlorophyll-A fluorometer measure fluorescence from chlorophyll-a. Chlorophyll-a fluorescence is an indicator of active phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll concentrations. This measurement is used for tracking biological variability and abundance in the water column.

Manufacturer WET Labs (now Sea-Bird)
Model ECO FL(RT) chlorophyll-a
Serial No. FLRT 1496
Type fluorometer


Name Institution Role
Ralf Krocker Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Engineer In Charge


The fluorometer is installed together with the Valeport Mini SVP in a stainless steel piping system through which sea water taken at 3 m depth is pumped. Calibration factors are integrated in DShip. The fluorometer measures Chlorophyll-a ex/em: 470/695 nm with a resolution of 0.01 µg/l in the range 0.01 to 125 µg/l.

No subdevices available.


InfoThe fluorometer is installed in a flow through water tank in the bow room of the tank deck.
X0.0 (no unit given)
Y0.0 (no unit given)
Z0.0 (no unit given)

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameters

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
chlorophyll concentration chlorophyll a μg/l

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

Time synchronization and geographical positioning is done by DShip receiving the data for logging.

Rawdata storage on board

Data storage in DShip system.


Uncorrected measurement data.

Device name



Chlorophyll concentration (µg/l)
Chlorophyll concentration counts (counts)

Data archiving on land

After the cruise the DShip data set can be extracted from
