
The operation of the radiance sensor has to be announced the people in charge prior to the cruise.


RAMSES radiometer are stand-alone and highly integrated hyperspectral radiometer for the UV, VIS and/or UV/VIS spectral range. On RV Heincke 1 Ramses-ACC-VIS irradiance sensor is installed on the foremast to measure downwelling solar irradiance. On the portside as well as on the starboard side of the foremast two Ramses-ARC Radiance sensors are installed, respectively. One of the Ramses-ARC sensors on each side is looking downwards the water surface while the other one looks upwards towards the sky.

Manufacturer TriOS
Serial No. n/a
Type radiometer


Name Institution Role
Daniela Voss Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg Data Scientist, Owner, Device Contact
Jochen Wollschlaeger Universität Oldenburg Data Scientist, Owner
Julia Oelker Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg Data Scientist, Owner


Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
RAMSES-ACC hyperspectral cosine irradiance meter_847e RAMSES-ACC 847e ↪ REGISTRY (8656)
RAMSES-ARC hyperspectral radiance meters _8478 RAMSES-ARC 8478 ↪ REGISTRY (8660)
RAMSES-ARC hyperspectral radiance meters_8474 RAMSES-ARC 8474 ↪ REGISTRY (8658)
RAMSES-ARC hyperspectral radiance meters_8475 RAMSES-ARC 8475 ↪ REGISTRY (8659)
RAMSES-ARC hyperspectral radiance meters_847b RAMSES-ARC 847b ↪ REGISTRY (8657)


InfoElectronics of the Ramses Sensor are located in the Lotgeraeteraum R202 on the tween deck. The sensors are installed on the foremast.
X0.0 none
Y0.0 none
Z0.0 none

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged Parameters

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
downwelling solar irradiance diffuse radiation W/m2
upwelling radiance direct radiation W/m2

Central geographical ship's position and time standard

no information

Rawdata storage on board

Data are only stored on the PC in the Lotgeraeteraum R202 on the tween deck.


The data are not transferred to DShip.

Data archiving on land

After consultation with the data scientist and AWI Logistics the TriOS RAMSES data including meta data may be transferred to PANGAEA (
