General information
The responsibility for a safe expedition progress lies with the chief scientist.
Before the expedition starts, the work on the ice or ashore must be planned in respect to safety issues.
The chief scientist needs to:
- choose qualified deputies
- make sure that risk assessments are developed for the expedition specific work
- make sure that operating instructions are developed based on the risk assessments
- make sure that the personnell is instructed based on the operating instructions
- check regularly that all aggreed measures are in place and followed
The necessary information, procedures and documents are available at the HSE department of AWI or the HSE department of your own institute or university or employer.
- Announcement of planned large ice stations or work onshore:
- during the expedition planning meeting with ship coordination, shipping company, helicopter company abt. 6 month before expedition start
- during the expedition planning meeting with ship coordination, shipping company, helicopter company abt. 6 month before expedition start
- Submission of the necessary risk assessments, operating instructions, contingency plan and other required documents to be reviewed by the HSE department:
- 4 month before expedition start
- 4 month before expedition start
- Submision of the final plans to AWI ship coordination
- 2 month before expedition start
- Announcement of planned large ice stations or work onshore:
The captain has the ultimate decision-making authority in all questions concerning the ship operation and is responsible for every person onboard. If the safety of the ship demands it, his competences are also valid for working onshore or on the ice. You have to correspond to his orders immediately.
Chief scientist:
The chief scientist is responsible for the scientific participants in general. Because the chief scientist cannot be at the same time at all places he ensures that all participants are informed about safety measures before the respective activities and that safety relevant equipment is present sufficiently. In case already existing regulations are not sufficient, he may issue additional rules. The chief scientist finally decides in compliance with the regulations if activities can be conducted.
Group leader / PI:
The group leader is responsible for the adherence to the safety regulations within his group. He sets a good example, oversees the behaviour of his colleagues and encourages them to comply with the rules. He is bound to the orders of the chief scientist but may issue additional measures.
Each participant has to adhere to the safety regulations and other measures issued by the group leader and chief scientist.
Procedures onboard as guideline for chief scientists and group leaders/PIs
As the chief scientist is fully responsible for the safety at work of all persons of the scientific party he is entitled to issue deviations of the best practice described below in favour of other regulations. Such deviations must be documented by the chief scientist in writing and signed with date and signature based on risk assessments & operating instructions.
In unusual cases of deviation from the best practice the captain will make an entry into the ship's log book to refuse responsibility or even refuse the deviations.
Regulations of the helicopter operator and ship operator cannot be changed as they are in their responsibility.
Some rules of the AWI logistics department can only be changed after agreement with the logistic coordinator for instance regarding devices owned by the locistics department.
Always remember that it must be possible to rescue persons on the ice or ashore with a rescue team on foot, by skidoo, by the second helicopter or by the ship itself within a reasonable timeframe. If this cannot be ensured, the operation is not safe and cannot be conducted.