External sources
The following external sources provide a great deal of information about HPCs. If you are new to HPCs, please use these sources (and other information on the web) to fill up the knowledge gaps:
Using the shell
To access and use AWI's HPC systems login via a terminal is needed, using ssh.
Although, in general it is possible to use tools with a graphical user interface (GUI) remotely via ssh, some basic knowledge on how to use the shell is required.
We advise all new users, who have never worked in a shell on a Unix-like system, to go through this nice introduction:
This tutorial is a good starting point where you learn to navigate in the filesystem, manipulate files, and create and run scripts.
Login with ssh-keys
Example: Albedo
Here is an example for a user named "user" and a desktop named "desktop" connecting to NEC Albedo. Please replace username and remote machine accordingly!
Generate a key on your local desktop or whatever machine you want to connect to albedo0 and albedo1
user@desktop:~$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_albedo
You are asked for a passphrase. A passphrase increases the security in case your account is hacked or your notebook gets lost, and it is a must for connections between systems at different locations, e.g., from AWI to HLRN or from home to AWI. Please use a strong passphrase to secure your key.
Two files are generatedthe private key ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_albedo remains on your local machine,
the public key ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_albedo.pub is copied to the remote machine.
- Our recommendation is to have a pair of private+public keys for each local+remote connection. It helps to keep an overview and a good naming scheme helps to prevent the danger of overwriting an existing key.
- Make sure you are connected to the AWI network (via ethernet or VPN)
Copy the public key to Albedo, here to albedo1, also makes the key available on albedo0, as they share the home directory:
user@desktop:~$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_albedo.pub <your_username>@albedo1.dmawi.de
For some destinations, to increase the security, the public key has to be uploaded in a web portal, and it is not placed in your remote home directory. For Albedo the command above is all you need.
Log in to albedo0 or albedo1 with
user@desktop:~$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_albedo -Y <your_username>@albedo0.dmawi.de
Or, for convenience, add an entry to ~/.ssh/config on your local desktop. Generate this file, if not yet present.
user@desktop:~$ cat ~/.ssh/config
Host albedo0
Hostname albedo0.dmawi.de
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_albedo
user <your_username>and log in with
user@desktop:~$ ssh -Y albedo0
For more details about ssh have a look at SSH.