Domain | Path | Disk Copy | Short Description | Purpose |
A | /hs/D-A/platforms | 
| Archive of o2a | Permanent archive for irrecoverable data. Metadata is needed for this domain. Please contact PANGAEA on how to submit your data. |
/hs/D-A/pangaea /hs/usero |  | PANGAEA Note: Former /hs/usero has moved to /hs/pangaea/data/legacy/ on 2024-06-17 |
P | /hs/D-P/projects /hs/D-P/s3projects | 

| Project data | Long term project data with predefined life time. A project can be created (or extended) with eResources The setgid on directories ensures that new (sub-)directories belong to the project (POSIX) group automatically. Please use eResources to create a project and request storage resources. |
I | /hs/D-I/... |  | Desaster recovery: Project replica from the Isilons (Bhv, Pot) | Daily (or weekly) automatic replication of online project data from the Isilon (when selected in eResources) in Bremerhaven and Potsdam, respectively. Used for disaster recovery only (=hopefully never ). |
R | /hs/D-R/backup |  | samfs-dumps, ScoutFS-dumps, logfiles, Veeam | IT internal use only |
/hs/D-R/store |  | 10-year storing of expired user and project data |
/hs/D-R/veeam |  | VM(Veeam) backups |
/hs/s3gateway |
| experimental storage |
C | /hs/usera /hs/userc /hs/userm |
| Have vanished early 2020 |
A disk copy is available for specific (smaller) files for some file systems. This allows a significantly faster access of offline files. The availability of this disk archive depends on the actual resources/usage and might change.