DSHIP is a complex measurement data management system, developed by Werum Software & System CIS AG. DSHIP provides a variety of configuration, diagnosis, and control features to record data from different instruments, distribute data on board the vessel, visualize data, and to export data from the database. The system is provided on the vessels Polarstern, Heincke, Mya II and Uthoern and at the Neumayer-Station III. Parts of the DSHIP system are:

  • Core System for data acquisition
  • Action-Log as an event tracker for device usage
  • Mapviewer as a map visualisation system for navigation and scientific information
  • Connection to the REGISTRY.awi.de for device selection and event triggering

Onshore database access for vessel, aircraft and station DSHIP.awi.de

User Manual for Data Extraction

Onboard DShip - System (available onboard only)

User Manual for usage onboard

UseĀ  o2a-support@awi.de for questions/comments