The commonly known GeoCSV format extends the CSV format with a geometry column (usually with WKT notation). The O2A GeoCSV specification extends GeoCSV format with special requirements which enable it to be used in the automated O2A dataflow. It was basically built upon (but should not be confused with) the NRT Data Format.

Version 1.1

It is a GeoCSV using the WKT notation for the description of the geometry. However, there are additional requirements regarding columns, their names, their order and some other details.

columncolumn headerdescription
example values
1datetimeDate and time of measurement in ISO 8601 format notation, using UTC time zone.Column is mandatory, rows with missing values will be ignored.

valid:     2019-02-28T15:50:00
invalid: 2019-02-28T15:50:00.000
invalid: 2019-02-28 15:50:00.000

2longitude [deg]Longitude in EPSG 4326 (WGS 84) and decimal degree. West is negative, East is positive.Column is mandatory, rows with missing values will be ignored.7.33333
3latitude [deg]Latitude in EPSG 4326 (WGS 84) and decimal degree. North is positiv, South is negative.Column is mandatory, rows with missing values will be ignored.-20.12345
4elevation [m]

Elevation in meter. A negative value means below sea level, while positive means above sea level.

Note: Depth, and maybe altitude as well, must be converted!

Column is mandatory, missing values default to NULL.
5..N<parameter_urn> [<unit>]The names and number of these columns depend on the incoming dataset. Each column has to start with a unique URN referencing the source dataset, followed by a unit in square brackets. <parameter_urn> and [<unit>] are separated by a single whitespace.

Data from
valid:     vessel:polarstern:tsk1:salinity [psu]
valid:     vessel:polarstern:tsk1:principal_investigator []
invalid: vessel:polarstern:tsk1:principal_investigator[]
invalid: vessel:polarstern:tsk1:principal_investigator
invalid: vessel:polarstern:tsk1:principal investigator []

Data from
valid:     pangaea:12345:sal [psu]

lastgeometry [<type>]

Geometry in WKT notation. <type> can be one of the following:

  • point → geometry [point]
  • multipoint → geometry [multipoint]
  • linestring → geometry [linestring]
  • multilinestring → geometry [multilinestring]
  • polygon → ...
  • multipolygon
  • geometrycollection

Column and values are mandatory. <type> defaults to point. Rows with missing values will be ignored.

POINT (7.33333 -20.12345)

MULTILINESTRING ((8.58 53.55, 8.58 53.56, 8.57 53.55), (8.0 53.0, 9.0 54.0, 8.0 54.0))


Data from

datetime    longitude [deg]  latitude [deg]  elevation [m]  vessel:polarstern:tsk1:salinity [psu]  geometry [point]
2019-02-28T15:50:00  -14.17956  34.03449  -1  34.1234  POINT(-14.17956 34.03449)
2019-02-28T15:50:01  -14.17956  34.03449  -2  34.1345  POINT(-14.17956 34.03449)
2019-02-28T15:50:02  -14.17956  34.03449  -3  34.1456  POINT(-14.17956 34.03449)

Data from

datetime    longitude [deg]  latitude [deg]  elevation [m]  pangaea.12345:salinity [psu]  geometry [point]
2019-02-28T15:50:00  -14.17956  34.03449  -1  34.1234  POINT(-14.17956 34.03449)
2019-02-28T15:50:01  -14.17956  34.03449  -2  34.1345  POINT(-14.17956 34.03449)
2019-02-28T15:50:02  -14.17956  34.03449  -3  34.1456  POINT(-14.17956 34.03449)

Version 1 (deprecated)

Definition for Format version 1 is in progress and is not yet proofed. It is basically a GeoCSV using the WKT notation.


datetime    vessel:polarstern:mins:latitude [deg]  vessel:polarstern:mins:longitude [deg]  vessel:polarstern:tsk1:salinity [psu]  vessel:polarstern:geometry [point]
2019-02-28 15:50:00.000  34.03449  -14.17956  34.1234  POINT(34.03449 -14.17956)
2019-02-28 15:50:01.000  34.03449  -14.17956  34.1345  POINT(34.03449 -14.17956)
2019-02-28 15:50:02.000  34.03449  -14.17956  34.1456  POINT(34.03449 -14.17956)


A tab separated file based on specifications of the NRT Data Format extended with a geometry column based on the WKT geometry specification. The coordinates in the geometry column must be in decimal degree in EPSG:4326.

For complete description of the NRT Data Format see 'Format' in NRT Data Format Version 2.

Geometry Header - Units

The 'unit' in square brackets '[ ]' is used for describing the geometry type. If empty, 'point' is the default. If no 'datetime', the row will be deleted.

datetime    type:dev:longitude [deg]    type:dev:latitude [deg] type:dev:parameter1 [°C] type:dev:geometry [point]

datetime    type:dev:parameter1 [°C]    type:dev:geometry [line]

datetime    type:dev:parameter1 [°C]    type:dev:geometry [polygon]