Data to Viewer

The following SOP address the procedure of having your data published as OGC Web Mapping Service (WMS) and in a VEF-based viewer (e.g. for MareHUB). There are slightly different procedures depending on the type of your data (raster, vector) and your preferred way of providing/exchanging (files, services, Pangaea) it to the SDI. All of them get illustrated in a schema and have lists of tasks to be done.

Both schema and lists are colour-coded. Everything blue depicts a process inside or a part of our Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Everything orange depicts stuff outside of our SDI related to raster data. Everything green depicts stuff outside of the SDI related to vector data. Red elements indicate that there are specifications to follow or some sort of input is needed. Black are data-type independent elements.

colourmeaning in schema and lists
blueparts/processes inside the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
redinput needed, specifications to follow
orangeworkflows/processes relating to raster-based data
greenworkflows/processes relating to vector-based data
blackworkflows/processes not related to data type


Raster data

via GeoTIFF (.sdi.tif)

via Spatial Web Service (OGC WMS/WCS)

Vector data

via GeoCSV (

via Spatial Web Service (OGC WMS/WFS)

via Sensor Observation Service (OGC SOS)