This step describes sensors which are connected to small platforms e.g. bouys, glider, etc and for platform itself e.g. satellites.

  1. The platform transfers its sensor data via satellite internet connection link to e.g. a ftp-server or send it by mail.

  2. The "Near Realtime Data Collection"-System (NRT-System) installed at the AWI Computing and Data Center provides several procedures to download and process further steps of these sensor data automatically. The system checks the server at a specified time or in time intervals for new sensor data. If available, the data will be downloaded and stored at a central temporary disk space, ready for the archiving procedure

  3. Furthermore the NRT-System can separate certain sensor data out of the downloaded file(s) for storing in the central database (NRT-DB). Thereby the file-format must meet the requirements of a standard NRT-Data-Input-File (read more).

To define this procedure for the NRT-System some information have to be declared once:

  • Several control parameters (e.g. servername or server address, username, passwords, etc.) are necessary in order to have access to measurement data.
  • In order to select the downloadable file(s), the directory- and filename(s) must be defined by regular expressions. Placeholders, such as YEAR, MONTH, and DAY are possible.
  • Finally, we need the time periods to check for new sensor data.

If these few information are compiled, it is time for step 3...