Gridded sea-ice thickness from near-real time CryoSat-2 data in October displays a few orbits with large thickness values in the Russian Arctic (see figure below). These are the result of an anomaly in the processing chain/input data and are under investigation. A temporary solution is to omit the orbits entirely from the daily orbit data until a fix has been developed.

The offline reprocessed (rep) CryoSat-2 data is not affected.

Gridded CryoSat-2 near-real time data from October 2020. Individual orbits in the Russian Arctic stand out with unrealistically high thicknesses

Daily (incomplete and partially errornous) orbit data from CryoSat-2 near-real time (NRT) data

Daily (complete) orbit data from CryoSat-2 offline reprocessed (REP) data