Sign MOSAiC Data Policy

Please sign and hand in the MOSAiC Data Policy to Details can be found under MOSAiC Data Policy.

This is a prerequisite to obtaining a user account to access the IT infrastructure on board Polarstern and at the AWI after the expedition.

Some days after submitting the data policy you will receive an email from including an attached form. Please sign this form and send it back to to obtain your user account for the MOSAiC IT-infrastructure (Logbook, MOSAiC Central Storage on land)!

Fill out required information on expected data rates

Fill out data transfer rates and volumes in the device management list.

The device management list can be found MS Teams MOSAiC_all/General/Groups/Data/Dataplanning_Lists/MOSAiC_Device_Data_Management_List_V2.xlsx

Data Management

Add devices to

Workflow for creating new devices in SENSOR

The following workflow is defined for creation of devices in SensorWeb:

More Information on SENSOR


Follow Best Practices

For display in automatic download on board and/or display in DASHBOARD:

Account to access ARM data on board Polarstern

MOSAiC participants on the ship who need access to ARM data, including data plots, are encouraged to use the ARM Access Request System (ARS) to request an account before the expedition. An account can be requested under the following link:

Software to bring to Polarstern for your personal laptops and cellphones

More information

General IT Infrastructure

Network on the ice

Internet, Email, Telephone

Get User Account and Change password