Please note that the AISA Eagle hyperspectral camera is no longer available for operation.


AISA Eagle is a system for VNIR hyperspectral imaging. It acquires full, high quality hyperspectral data with 1000 swath pixels and high image rates. AISA Eagle is a complete, pushbroom system that consists of a compact hyperspectral sensor head, GPS/INS sensor, and data acquisition unit in a rugged PC. An additional Fiber-Optic Downwelling Irradiance Sensor (FODIS) simultaneously aquires data of incoming radiation.

Manufacturer Spectral Imaging Ltd. (Specim Ltd.)
Model AISA Eagle
Serial No. 100028
Type spectrometer


Name Institution Role
Gerit Birnbaum Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Device Contact

Components and Specifications

The AISA Eagle system consists of the hyperspectral camera itself, a GPS / INS unit , an irradiance sensor, an operator PC and a power distribution box.

Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
Fibre-optics downwelling irradiance sensor FODIS n/a ↪ REGISTRY (6994)
Inertial and GPS Navigation System RT3000 230 ↪ REGISTRY (6993)

Specifications of AISA Eagle (without mounting)

Specifications of GPS/INS RT3100 (without mounting)


InfoThe specral sensor and the attached GPS INS unit are installed on an opening in the underfloor compartment. Power box and operator PC are mounted on the cabin floor. The FODIS sensor is attached to the cabin roof.
X0.0 none
Y0.0 none
Z0.0 none

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameter

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
irradiance irradiance W/m2
latitude latitude deg
longitude longitude deg
pitch attitude deg
roll attitude deg
Spectral radiance spectral radiance W/m2/sr/μm
yaw attitude deg

Rawdata storage on board

Data archiving on land
