Operation of the GT-2A requires experienced staff on board the aircraft.


The mobile airborne gravimeter system combines data from a vertical gravity sensor and global positioning systems (GPS) to isolate gravity anomalies related to sub-surface geology and structure. The GPS component is handled by a JAVAD DeltaQ GPS Receiver. Power is supplied via an UPS and the system is operated via 2 touch panel PCs.

Manufacturer Canadian Micro Gravity (CMG)
Model GT-2A
Serial No. SN028
Type gravimeter


Name Institution Role
Graeme Eagles Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Device Contact

Associated Devices and Specifications

Name Model Serial Number REGISTRY-Link
JAVAD DeltaQ GPS Receiver DeltaQ n/a ↪ REGISTRY (6812)

Specifications of GT-2A (without mounting)

Specifications of JAVAD DeltaQ (without mounting)


InfoThe gravitymeter is fastened to the cabin floor close to the center of gravity of the aircraft. Electronics and data aquisition are installed in a rack.
X0.0 none
Y0.0 none
Z0.0 none

Data logging, storage and archiving

Logged parameter

Parameter O2ARegistry Output Type Unit
gravity gravity mGal

Rawdata storage on board

Data archiving on land


Also see https://sensor.awi.de/ for calibration certificates of the sensors.